Yeah, that's why this is absurd, it was clearly, like the other issues that have been raised in this regard in the past, tongue in cheek. A joke.
Now I understand that this board has ToS, but fuck them. Those terms of service haven't spent years and more hours than they can count helping kids learn how to get stronger so they can be better fighters. I've helped black kids, white kids, asian kids, indian kids. I know because I've seen pictures of some of them, because they are proud of the gains they've made. Ask them if I wanted to know what color they were before I taught them what I know.
Do I get upset when I write an article for that otherwise shithole board, and know some ASIAN people are gonna be reading it? No man, don't be fucking absurd.
The point is, being able to talk about fucking my dead grandpappies rotten, maggot ridden torso (yeah, he's a torso now, his legs rotted off) and not being able to say n1gger was fucking retarded. You
ass motherfuckers int eh booth need to pull your heads out of your asses, quit being so politically correct and rememeber this forum is supposed to be for FIGHTERS. TOUGH GUYS. Not bitchy whiney ass
vagina's like this kentuckfriedfuckface kid, who has a personal beef with me which is the primary reason he brought this up. That and he's a slope.