Street MMA wanna-be tough guy.


Plutonium Belt
Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score

He dead now.
Yikes. I wonder where they'll dispose of the body.
There was a thread a while back about real men never wearing scarves indoors. Probably better than getting KO'd outdoors by a guy holding a scarf.
He got served the quickness with fries.
nice, from what we can see, he deserves it
Can't believe I'm actually supporting a Liverpool fan but he did good.
You can clearly see the guy getting beat was using his "gi" to possibly try to set a collar choke.
They carried his corpse back to the spot where the guy he was beating on had sat down after his beating.

Not a lot of seating in Kiev I guess
he went down HARD. Bet he woke up retarded.. or at least half retarded.
They carried his corpse back to the spot where the guy he was beating on had sat down after his beating.

Not a lot of seating in Kiev I guess
Maybe they have designated seating for guys that just got their asses kicked.
i imagine young datsik acting like that kid.