Strange Weight Loss

Jimmy Cerra

Amateur Fighter
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
I have felt really tired and always hungry starting just before I donated blood two weeks ago. I was afraid I was overtraining, so I halved my total workout times from (3+ hours to about 1.5 hours) and took two days completely off. I ate about the same, which is generally when I'm hungry.

So why have I been losing weight? I went from 160 to 156 in the past week (the first week I remained at 160). That isn't normal for me when I don't do as much exercise. I come from a family of fat people, and we generally gain lots of weight.

The strange thing is that lately I have not been eating very healthy. A chicken burger, french fries, another chicken burger, fruit + yogurt, strawberry 2% milk, and a candy bar. Bad food I know, but that is relatively typical - if anything I usually ate a little healthier but about 33% more. Then why did I still lose weight?
Sup man its paul from bill's place. I dont really got an answer to your ?. Just thought id say hi. Hope to see you for BJJ on sunday.
Paul said:
Sup man its paul from bill's place. I dont really got an answer to your ?. Just thought id say hi. Hope to see you for BJJ on sunday.
You should be in class young man! ;-) Just kidding. See you on Sunday; although, I still have nasty cuts on my fingers from last time!
Mabey you have Mono if your tierd and loosing weight i dunno go see a doctor.?
What are the symptoms of mono besides losing weight and being tired? I feel relatively healthy otherwise.
Most people have a very difficult time gauging their caloric intake. You're probably committing dietary displacement - i.e. eating less filling, less nutritious foods in place of quality whole foods. In the short term, your stomach is probably less full, hence the "apparent" weight loss.

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