Stormy Daniels - "affair never happened"

All we have is Stormy Daniels's word. Which is worth nothing. You can't listen to that interview and not recognize she is lying her ass off.

But to be clear, no, I don't care what other people do in the bedroom. I guess I'm just liberal like that.

Oh, so she was just lying like all of the other women who Trump said were lying that didn't get $130,000 from Trump's lawyer not to lie? They must have been scared of her elite lying capabilities. Good thinking!<TheDonald>

Didn't stop Trump from freely exchanging bodily fluids with her.<{clintugh}>

Meh. Liberals are fighting for legal prostitution as we speak. At least Stormy has been tested regularly.

This is one particular avenue that I find odd that Liberals are harping on so much. The way they're yammering about Trump and infidelity and fucking whores, you'd think they were hardcore Christians.
The President from the Party of Family Values....

If it were President Obama who was accused with sleeping with a pornstar (who IS credible at this point), the religious right would be on the White House lawn with torches, screaming for his head right now.
If it were President Obama who was accused with sleeping with a pornstar (who IS credible at this point), the religious right would be on the White House lawn with torches, screaming for his head right now.

And the left would be calling him a player, and telling the rest of the world to accept that "family values" is a relic of the past.
If it were President Obama who was accused with sleeping with a pornstar (who IS credible at this point), the religious right would be on the White House lawn with torches, screaming for his head right now.
I don't trust man that would fuck that thing on the regular. Michelles gross
Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture.

LOL next time just post "*fingers in my ears* nanananananananananaa"

Meh. Liberals are fighting for legal prostitution as we speak. At least Stormy has been tested regularly.

This is one particular avenue that I find odd that Liberals are harping on so much. The way they're yammering about Trump and infidelity and fucking whores, you'd think they were hardcore Christians.

No, you'd think they just got done telling hardcore christians they shouldn't have voted for a piece of shit liar. And now that it's clear the right has no morality to speak of, we're gonna make a point to remind the world of it. That way the next time they try to talk down to people on the topic of morality, we can remind them they supported a disgusting piece of shit.

The real issue here is the President and his staff completely lying about the topic to the american people. Do you have a reason to excuse a politician completely lying about an obvious truth, or does your blind allegiance stop right before that?
Meh. Liberals are fighting for legal prostitution as we speak. At least Stormy has been tested regularly.

This is one particular avenue that I find odd that Liberals are harping on so much. The way they're yammering about Trump and infidelity and fucking whores, you'd think they were hardcore Christians.

It's weird, it's like you can be pro sex and also pro not cheating on your wife at the same time.
I can see people who like gossip and soap operas like this story.

And there may be an argument made that if he is paying off people to keep quiet there is a chance he is open to be blackmailed.

But really a lot of what I see is Democrats hoping Evangelicals will turn on Trump because of this. They won't they already know he is a dirtbag. They like the judges he is appointing. They are willing to look the other way as long as he is their dirtbag.

Besides it just being fun making evangelicals feel uncomfortable and have to turn the cognitive dissonance up to 11 about Trump breaking multiple commandments, the story goes beyond him just having sex with a porn star because of how badly Cohen fucked up trying to cover this up.

Even if we just put aside the allegations of someone threatening Stormy in front of her baby (which I think will come back once the guy is identified), Cohen's trying so hard to protect Trump from seeming like Trump was involved in the pay off is going to result in Cohen being investigated for breaking a federal law and possibly being fodder for Mueller to pull into the Russia probe.

If Trump had just pulled a Jimmy Swaggert and begged for god's forgiveness after the WSJ story broke in January, this thing would have blown over before the Superbowl.

Meh. Liberals are fighting for legal prostitution as we speak. At least Stormy has been tested regularly.

This is one particular avenue that I find odd that Liberals are harping on so much. The way they're yammering about Trump and infidelity and fucking whores, you'd think they were hardcore Christians.

You honestly don't think Trump banging Stormy Daniels in 2006 is the issue liberals have with this thing do you?<{hfved}>
No, you'd think they just got done telling hardcore christians they shouldn't have voted for a piece of shit liar. And now that it's clear the right has no morality to speak of, we're gonna make a point to remind the world of it. That way the next time they try to talk down to people on the topic of morality, we can remind them they supported a disgusting piece of shit.

As opposed to....Hillary Clinton?

Tell me, who was more in tune with "Christian" vote? Break it down, as you're clearly an expert on totally non-cherry picked Christian values.

The real issue here is the President and his staff completely lying about the topic to the american people.

Nobody cares about Trump lying about fucking some strange. Nobody cared when Clinton did it, and nobody cares now.
As opposed to....Hillary Clinton?

Tell me, who was more in tune with "Christian" vote? Break it down, as you're clearly an expert on totally non-cherry picked Christian values.

Nobody cares about Trump lying about fucking some strange. Nobody cared when Clinton did it, and nobody cares now.

They tried to remove Clinton from office over it dude.
If it were President Obama who was accused with sleeping with a pornstar (who IS credible at this point), the religious right would be on the White House lawn with torches, screaming for his head right now.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Obama had done/said a fraction of the stuff Trump has, the rightwing would be unrecognizable in their horror and condemnation.
As opposed to....Hillary Clinton?

Tell me, who was more in tune with "Christian" vote? Break it down, as you're clearly an expert on totally non-cherry picked Christian values.

Hilary Clinton by a mile and a half was more in-tune with Christian values. But go ahead and tell me why Trump was more in tune. I can't wait to laugh.

Nobody cares about Trump lying about fucking some strange. Nobody cared when Clinton did it, and nobody cares now.

1. Everybody cared when Clinton did it, they tried to have him impeached.

2. The story isn't that Trump cheated on his wife, it's that his lawyer paid the woman off to be quiet and then threatened her. Our issue isn't with where he stuck his dick, it's that he lied about it.

But of course, you can't even discuss the topic without a "but Hilary!!!" Trump must fucking love that woman, he owes every bit of his success to her.
Meh. Liberals are fighting for legal prostitution as we speak. At least Stormy has been tested regularly.

This is one particular avenue that I find odd that Liberals are harping on so much. The way they're yammering about Trump and infidelity and fucking whores, you'd think they were hardcore Christians.
Liberals aren't miffed that he cheated, liberals are just pointing out the hypocrisy of the religious right / social conservatives regarding Trump.
You honestly don't think Trump banging Stormy Daniels in 2006 is the issue liberals have with this thing do you?<{hfved}>

You're right. It's totally the campaign finance laws. That 60 minutes interview was all about exposing violations of campaign laws...


Liberals care about hurting Trump by any means necessary. Don't act like you give two shits that there might've been some technical violation of campaign spending(which there wasn't).

You care about the "sleaze", and it's hypocritical as fuck.
Liberals aren't miffed that he cheated, liberals are just pointing out the hypocrisy of the religious right / social conservatives regarding Trump.

That hypocrisy cuts both ways.