stop-hands/posting in boxing?

RJ Powell**

Mar 19, 2008
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anyone ever seen boxers use this defensive technique (stophands)?

It's an old-school muay thai trick. where you push your hands against the puncher's shoulder/biceps/gloves to distrupt the movement of the punch, thus cutting it's range of motion. Usually used against crosses and wide hooks.

I see thai fighters use it alot when they are being overwhelmed with punches. After they stop the punch, they either push their opponent away, or initiate a thai clinch off of the block.

I'lll see if i can find a video or picture or something.

EDIT: something like this, but not really, i cant watch the video because i am at work, but i did watch the duke roufus instructional so it probably looks like what i am talking about. When i get home i'll look at the vid.

cant find the vid, but there are a few good examples of it in this fight, watch as masato pushes on his opponents gloves.
I read in an old boxing manual, there was a technique where you go in for an attack while putting your glove over your opponents rear glove. So you get in with safe entry. Kinda confusing, but im sure its subtly used in boxing matches, i just dont catch it.
LOL wrong vid!!! totally wrong vid! sorry i was at work, ill change it.
I know it's not a boxing example, but do you mean that technique that Gomi uses to kind of pat down their hand and strike afterwards?
I know it's not a boxing example, but do you mean that technique that Gomi uses to kind of pat down their hand and strike afterwards?

I don't think it is... It looks to me as a sort of punch to the shoulder... But hey, no better than the TS to find a vid and we watch it for ourselves...
Yes I use this when I'm in close and worried about getting hooked.

I learned it from a MT fighter.

I also push the face with the palm (illegal, I know).

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