Stipe is intimidated

How could you not be intimidated staring down a guy like Ngannou LOL? He may be the scariest MFer on the planet

Me, I'd be very intimidated. Stipe, who already beat Ngannou? Not so much. Right now Ngannou will be the more worried of the two going into the fight.
No hate on Francis but he needs another humbling (despite his aww shucks I'm just a guy from Africa and look at me now he is very arrogant.)

I hope Stipe can do it.

Then beat Jon and retire as a great big FUCK YOU TO THE UFC, DANA AND MORONIC FANS.
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Stipe beat him already because he was too slow and got gassed. So what does Francis do? Bulk up more to gas faster and be slower.
I know it because I took DC at even money the night of the fight with the biggest bet I’ve ever made in sports

Ridiculous. It’s almost more ridiculous that he opened as a favorite and then swung, speaks to the intelligence of fans. Rumble is better than Ngannou too

So yeh. I called it. To the T...

you were saying?
That fucking guy is delusional. Projecting like a mutha. I can’t wait to see Ngannou start to shake when Stipe enters the octagon.

One of these two was broken by the other for the whole world to see. Now Ngannou has to fight in the Apex with no crowd of casuals behind him. He will break again.

hey ret*rd