Starting exercise program, which supplements should I use?


Green Belt
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
There's a Jiu Jitsu school close by in Morgantown West Virgina, I'm going to join sometime soon and I'm starting a new exercise program for myself. Nothing to intense, just running and some weight training. I'm at ~150 and would like to be ~165+ so I'm going to be eating a lot (~2800 cad) and need some help choosing supplements.

Right now here's a shopping list I have:

Probably some Myoplex Plus
Protein Powder (whats your favorite?)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (again, favorite?)
Some Faty Acids (looking at Udo's Choice)

Anything else I should add?
Height? Age?
Have you ever lifted before? Bulked up before?
Need a really good multi vitamin. Try to find one of the best brands for a Multi, and you can go middle line with most other vitamins.

Cycled creatine before? Are you a responder?

My favorite protein powder is muscle milk, yes it is expsive, and yes a lot of people don't like the fat content/bloat they get from it. I am a true ectomorph, so I can keep my fat higher then some people, and I have learned how my body responds after years of trail and error.
I'm 21 yo, 6'0 tall, lifted some back in high school and got up to 160 max. Forgot about the multi vitamin I'll add that to my list.

Tried creatine in the past but never cycled, the crap I took was generic and tasted like acid but it worked.

I to am an Ectomorph and a hard gainer, so high fat and high calorie doesn't effect me much.

the reason you think you're a hard gainer is because you're only eating 2800 calories/day. read john berardi's massive eating part I/II, and massive eating reloaded I/II/III.

for fatty acids get a good fish oil. i dont think CEE is good for YOU, creatine mono would be better i believe (from what i've read). for protein go with optimum nutrition 100% whey gold standard - chocolate mint tastes great. u need casein protein (such as muscle milk), as well.
the reason you think you're a hard gainer is because you're only eating 2800 calories/day. read john berardi's massive eating part I/II, and massive eating reloaded I/II/III.

for fatty acids get a good fish oil. i dont think CEE is good for YOU, creatine mono would be better i believe (from what i've read). for protein go with optimum nutrition 100% whey gold standard - chocolate mint tastes great. u need casein protein (such as muscle milk), as well.

Looks like a good article, reading it now.

As far as supplements go I buy all mine at Bulk Nutrition, and it seems Muscle Milk has good reviews so I'll give it a try. Would you recommend using both (MM and 100% Whey) everyday or using the whey when I feel I didn't get enough protein for the day?
Have Whey PWO and MM b4 you go to bed. I also used Cytogainer to help me bulk when I was a hardgainer. Stuff is delicious!
the reason you think you're a hard gainer is because you're only eating 2800 calories/day. read john berardi's massive eating part I/II, and massive eating reloaded I/II/III.

for fatty acids get a good fish oil. i dont think CEE is good for YOU, creatine mono would be better i believe (from what i've read). for protein go with optimum nutrition 100% whey gold standard - chocolate mint tastes great. u need casein protein (such as muscle milk), as well.

I totally agree.

Eat tons. Eat good food and lots of it.

Try and keep a log of your food. I bet you under estimate your daily calories.
Have Whey PWO and MM b4 you go to bed. I also used Cytogainer to help me bulk when I was a hardgainer. Stuff is delicious!

Wow I was looking at Cytogainer and the protein/calories/carbs are awesome.. I already have MM and 100% Whey, do you also recommend I get Cytogainer, or no need? It is a Whey protein and I already have ON 100% Whey Gold Standard. The calorie count is just so tempting :p
from what ive read on this forum glutamine doesnt help all that much

u may as well get som bcaas, especially leucine
Wow I was looking at Cytogainer and the protein/calories/carbs are awesome.. I already have MM and 100% Whey, do you also recommend I get Cytogainer, or no need? It is a Whey protein and I already have ON 100% Whey Gold Standard. The calorie count is just so tempting :p

If you are already taking MM and 100% Whey, I wouldnt get Cytogainer...or stop taking those 2 and just start on Cytogainer. When I was bulking, I only used alot of PB sandwiches, :icon_chee
One of the supplements I believe in is L-Lysine. It's an essential amino acid, it's a building block for all protein in the body, helps with calcium absorption and building muscle protein.
There's a Jiu Jitsu school close by in Morgantown West Virgina, I'm going to join sometime soon and I'm starting a new exercise program for myself. Nothing to intense, just running and some weight training. I'm at ~150 and would like to be ~165+ so I'm going to be eating a lot (~2800 cad) and need some help choosing supplements.

Right now here's a shopping list I have:

Probably some Myoplex Plus
Protein Powder (whats your favorite?)
Creatine Ethyl Ester (again, favorite?)
Some Faty Acids (looking at Udo's Choice)

Anything else I should add?

1. Muscle Milk for Protein
2. Why CEE instead of Mono for Creatine?
3. My current multi of choice is Orange Triad from Controlled Labs. Dissolves fast, good mix and has joint supplements for a respectable price.

Since you're trying to add weight consider a pre-during-post workout mix. Use whatever feels right for you. My current is a watery Accelerade + BCAA mix.
Looks like a good article, reading it now.

As far as supplements go I buy all mine at Bulk Nutrition, and it seems Muscle Milk has good reviews so I'll give it a try. Would you recommend using both (MM and 100% Whey) everyday or using the whey when I feel I didn't get enough protein for the day?

If your diet provided enough protein then what would be the point of taking more. Use supplements to help meet your goals. Whatever they may be...
Wow, good responses, might I just add that you should just stick to creatine mono instead of CEE. Monohydrate is proven and as a bonus cheap. Also, use L-glutamine peptide as opposed to regular L-glutamine. Other than that add some fish oil and good luck!!
If you are already taking MM and 100% Whey, I wouldnt get Cytogainer...or stop taking those 2 and just start on Cytogainer. When I was bulking, I only used alot of PB sandwiches, :icon_chee

Man I love PB sandwiches so much, but I read John Berardi's articles on Massive Eating and he says to divide the meals into Protein + Carbs (with minimal fat <5g) and Protein + Fat (with minimal carbs <10g)..and since PB sandwiches are carbs+fat.. I can't have them :( :( :(
PB is fattening but it does have good fats also. You dont have to do it if you dont want to. Of course there's better/cleaner ways. I decided to go on a binge of PB sandwiches for awhile when I was bulking. I just had cravings for them for some reason, :)
I have liked the taste of every cytosport product I've tried. I also highly recommend fish oil and creatine monohydrate.
Thanks for all the responses, still deciding on which supplements to buy but I have a better idea of what I'll be stuffing into my body on a daily basis now.

I think I'll be going with

100% Whey
Storm Creatine
Some Myoplex Plus MRP
A good mutli (still haven't found one)
Fish Oils

Phenibut Powder

Thanks guys, let my know your advice about the new list.
I definitely recommend the ZMA if you don't always get an optimum amount of sleep. With my schedule I generally can't get more than 5-6 hours a day, but stacking GABA & ZMA helps me get the most out of that 5-6 hours.

Also, I wouldn't buy into the "unique delivery technology" claims of a lot of high-priced supps like Storm. You can get 80 servings of that for $27 or so, or you could get regular creatine monohydrate at 91 servings for $9.