


Any one get a frappe before a sparring session? i feel so alert. i eat healty , so i know its shit , but once and awhile ill do it, and im much sharper with what i do
I study in places like Starbucks a lot during the afternoon so yes. I wouldn't recommend Starbucks just before a session though.
Yeah, caffiene does that to you.
i know its CAFFIENE , i just never drank one before sparring, felt different. i can drink one and not do much , but when you roll, you actually feel the difference of awareness.
that's why the classic nutritional stack is ECA. It gets you up...
i have some starbucks french roast beans at home right i feel like another coffee.
i dont want to become a more than one cup a day person,but oh its hard....:(
i just took a frappe before class and recited some poetry, i am ready to roll