Television Star Wars THE ACOLYTE (Cancelled After One Season)

LOL I just saw that John Campea did a negative review.

If the worst shills won't defend this thing, then it must be truly awful.

The second season of Andor is the last bit of Star Wars media that I'll watch as long as Kennedy remains in charge of Lucasfilm.

This guy is a bundle of sticks, and he still gets most of that right. He blows off the "choreography" of the witches, and says that doesn't make or break an episode. Uh, in your opinion, doofus John Campea. Something that retarded DOES break an episode, IMO. But set that aside, even this bundle of sticks can see issues with the logic and lore. He explains the issue of space traveling and the passage of time issues between Sol and the others. This is basic shit. And yet, there are some shills here who apparently can easily shrug off such things and still claim a show is good and not worthy of disdain. Everyone is entitled to their own tastes... but I heard someone else make a point that I think applies to these easily pleased shills. One reason why they're so upset when others point out these flaws and trash the show, is that acknowledging these complaints would mean that they have to accept that they're easily duped and/or satisfied by crap. That doesn't sit well with these shills. They've been defending this crap, and when others point out the absurdities that they didn't object to it forces them to see that they're easily pleased, even with garbage. That makes them mad.

Earlier I made the point that I have shows and movies that I love, yet I know that in some of these there are some serious issues. One of my all-time personal favorite movies is the Beastmaster 1982. But if someone (correctly) pointed out that the fight scenes are laughably stupid at times and that it makes no sense that a witch can walk with a cow into the King's bedroom chambers where he sleeps with his pregnant wife, or how silly the witch laugh is and how easily some of them die... I get it. Despite my love of that movie, if you raised those complaints I'm just going to shrug. I know it, I get it. I still like it though. So I asked why is it that if those of us on our side of the aisle love a movie that gets trashed, we don't care, but when these shills have something they like get trashed they put on war paint and start fighting tooth and nail in defense of it. The answer I heard begins to make sense. They're easily duped and easily pleased, but it embarrasses them to be called out on it. They'll fight to make a case that the show isn't actually that bad and you're just haters rather than just realize and accept that they like stupid shit.
He explains the issue of space traveling and the passage of time issues between Sol and the others. This is basic shit. And yet, there are some shills here who apparently can easily shrug off such things and still claim a show is good and not worthy of disdain. Everyone is entitled to their own tastes... but I heard someone else make a point that I think applies to these easily pleased shills. One reason why they're so upset when others point out these flaws and trash the show, is that acknowledging these complaints would mean that they have to accept that they're easily duped and/or satisfied by crap. That doesn't sit well with these shills. They've been defending this crap, and when others point out the absurdities that they didn't object to it forces them to see that they're easily pleased, even with garbage. That makes them mad.

Earlier I made the point that I have shows and movies that I love, yet I know that in some of these there are some serious issues. One of my all-time personal favorite movies is the Beastmaster 1982. But if someone (correctly) pointed out that the fight scenes are laughably stupid at times and that it makes no sense that a witch can walk with a cow into the King's bedroom chambers where he sleeps with his pregnant wife, or how silly the witch laugh is and how easily some of them die... I get it. Despite my love of that movie, if you raised those complaints I'm just going to shrug. I know it, I get it. I still like it though. So I asked why is it that if those of us on our side of the aisle love a movie that gets trashed, we don't care, but when these shills have something they like get trashed they put on war paint and start fighting tooth and nail in defense of it. The answer I heard begins to make sense. They're easily duped and easily pleased, but it embarrasses them to be called out on it. They'll fight to make a case that the show isn't actually that bad and you're just haters rather than just realize and accept that they like stupid shit.

But everyone's entitled to their own tastes... ;)

You haters are a twisted bunch. (with poor taste)
They should have spared the young feisty horned headed padawan. She had the ferocity and I was expecting something like triangle armbar or RNC.

Those Jedi must have been McDojo Jedi. I need to see some sort of back story on this shopkeeper.

The episode reminded me of the Star Wars HasLab Razor Crest that got destroyed to pieces after the toy vehicle came out. At least one character who had action figure is buh bye.
Ok I thought this series might turnaround or there'd be a payoff because of unresolved mysteries, but this show's writing is now straight up amateurish.

The first two episodes were the best of the lot as they were set up episodes. Now it's getting worse and worse.

There were no politics or anything, but it's just fucking stupid. The episodes are way too short and there's no character development at all - I don't give a fuck about the boatload of people that just died. I don't give a fuck about the main two twin characters and the actress can't pull off 2 different personalities. The only character I gave a shit about is the Korean actor.

Stuff just happened... And it was anti-climactic. The big bad Sith wasn't intimidating or imposing at all. No nuance in the plot.

The only positive is that the Jedi didn't have plot armor and the fight choreography was good.

The editing, pacing, dialogue and general storytelling are bad.

This is probably on par with Kenobi now. Maybe a bit better production quality.

I'm now at the "WTF is this" stage.

The only thing I disagree with all the Youtubers - it's still not this crazy woke shit. That's a big stretch.
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My sources tell me that this is going to be lame…but I am going to watch it anyway. I watched all three seasons of Picard, including most of the cartoon episode,
Ok I thought this series might turnaround or there'd be a payoff because of unresolved mysteries, but this show's writing is now straight up amateurish.

The first two episodes were the best of the lot as they were set up episodes. Now it's getting worse and worse.

There were no politics or anything, but it's just fucking stupid. The episodes are way too short and there's no character development at all - I don't give a fuck about the boatload of people that just died. I don't give a fuck about the main two twin characters and the actress can't pull off 2 different personalities. The only character I gave a shit about is the Korean actor.

Stuff just happened... And it was anti-climactic. The big bad Sith wasn't intimidating or imposing at all. No nuance in the plot.

The only positive is that the Jedi didn't have plot armor and the fight choreography was good.

The editing, pacing, dialogue and general storytelling are bad.

This is probably on par with Kenobi now. Maybe a bit better production quality.

I'm now at the "WTF is this" stage.

The only thing I disagree with all the Youtubers - it's still not this crazy woke shit. That's a big stretch.

My thoughts exactly. This has become a Disney Pixar animated work somehow transmogrified to live action but without adult themes that parents can relate to. If this numbnutz is the big reveal and that's the long and the short of it, this show fucking sucks. WTF.

And I'm now split on if Amandla Stenberg or the writers deserve the blame for her terrible character(s). She just fucking sucks. It's like listening to two whiny teenage Anakins bitching to each other because they both hate sand.

At this point, this show is WORSE than BOBF and Kenobi.
The only thing I disagree with all the Youtubers - it's still not this crazy woke shit. That's a big stretch.

I don't give a shit about Star Wars. I think it sucks like some old restaurant that used to be decent but fell off decades ago. Isn't Star Wars a concept created by a white-hetero male who placed non-male and non-white actors highly in the series; bringing them through three successful movies?

Isn't the Acolyte directed and written by a White Lesbian who places one white male actor in a Wookie suit then kills off his character, another white male actor as a Jedi then kills off his character, has a white female (Lesbian Director's wife) cast as a green chick who unsurprisingly lives, and has another white female as a Jedi but offs her in the very first episode?

I don't know about you, but the diversity to me seems to be such that Non-white actors, especially the non-binary and / or gay ones, are main characters with longer lasting roles while White actors either get their whiteness erased, or; stay white and get killed before the first season is over.

Add in lesbian space witches who scissor their way to making twins played by the non-binary, non-hetero, non-white female lead and I honestly think you need cornea transplants if you can't see why people are calling this "crazy woke shit" or such.
My thoughts exactly. This has become a Disney Pixar animated work somehow transmogrified to live action but without adult themes that parents can relate to. If this numbnutz is the big reveal and that's the long and the short of it, this show fucking sucks. WTF.

And I'm now split on if Amandla Stenberg or the writers deserve the blame for her terrible character(s). She just fucking sucks. It's like listening to two whiny teenage Anakins bitching to each other because they both hate sand.

At this point, this show is WORSE than BOBF and Kenobi.

I don't know if it's worse than Kenobi. They had that retarded Princess Leia outrunning grown adults scene.

Amanda Stenberg can't act AND the writing is bad. Her facial expressions are non existent and she can't emote. Everybody has the acting charisma of a rock except the Squid Game actor - he's the only one I gave a shit about.

TF was that episode. So many logical inconsistencies. The one 5'5" skinny Sith with bangs kills like 5 Jedi with ease, but has trouble with Mae?

I'm getting convinced women just can't write good sci fi stories. Kind of how like how male comics are generally better.

And I think I know why. Women generally don't like geeky shit like Star Wars. All these female writers and creatives who claim they've always been huge Star Wars fans are full of shit.
I don't give a shit about Star Wars. I think it sucks like some old restaurant that used to be decent but fell off decades ago. Isn't Star Wars a concept created by a white-hetero male who placed non-male and non-white actors highly in the series; bringing them through three successful movies?

Isn't the Acolyte directed and written by a White Lesbian who places one white male actor in a Wookie suit then kills off his character, another white male actor as a Jedi then kills off his character, has a white female (Lesbian Director's wife) cast as a green chick who unsurprisingly lives, and has another white female as a Jedi but offs her in the very first episode?

I don't know about you, but the diversity to me seems to be such that Non-white actors, especially the non-binary and / or gay ones, are main characters with longer lasting roles while White actors either get their whiteness erased, or; stay white and get killed before the first season is over.

Add in lesbian space witches who scissor their way to making twins played by the non-binary, non-hetero, non-white female lead and I honestly think you need cornea transplants if you can't see why people are calling this "crazy woke shit" or such.

Nah it's just bad writing. You're looking way too deep into it and being paranoid. Stop being a white fragility snowflake.
Nah it's just bad writing. You're looking way too deep into it and being paranoid. Stop being a white fragility snowflake.

I don't bother with Star Wars, haven't seen anything besides streaming Rogue One since seeing Revenge of the Sith nearly 20 years ago. They don't get my money or time.

I'm pointing out exactly what actual fans of Star Wars have stated. Take the fragility snowflake thing up with them, including non-whites shitting on the LGBTQ+ messaging they feel is being pushed in a heavy handed manner.

As stated; you need cornea transplants to not see the woke bullshit. Maybe moving Star Wars into the LGBTQ "DEI" direction appeals to you so you won't speak to that glaring nature of the series, only to the "poor writing" as you state.

I'm sure people like Anthony Mackie and Gabrielle Union who bemoan the whiteness of Hollywood despite Blacks in media being represented in line with the actual percentage of US population receive your derision for their "Black fragility". Same with America Ferrera, Lucy Lieu, or David Oyeolo who complain about their lot in Hollywood life because an overwhelmingly white-owned industry hasn't done enough for them? Damn these "fragile snowflakes" get movie deals and still find time to bitch!

This is Mabyberry, not the War Room. You brought up the "crazy woke shit" that you apparently can't see because, um, reasons.

You're the one putting out insults concerning a poster's perceived race when you do it. It makes you look like shit IMO; especially since you've been on this site since 2003 and should know that Mayberry isn't the place for your shitty personal insults.
Holy shit!!! Episode 5 has some of the most balls out awesomesauce lightsaber battles ever! That includes the movies.

Say what you want about the puzzling reveal, but this is the best episode so far just because of the action.

I'll definitely watch until the end. This show is now better than Obi Wan and maybe equal to Book of Boba Fett. Ahsoka is better but the Mandalorian is still the best of the Disney+ shows. And mind you, I expected total woke garbage from this show. Andor is so different from the rest, not sure where to put it.

Why the fuck didn't Qui Gong Ching kill the Masked Singer? He murdered a whole platoon of Jedi's. That enough reason to subdue/murder him!!

Amanda Stenberg is a great actress -even if the whole look steal was silly.
The only thing I disagree with all the Youtubers - it's still not this crazy woke shit. That's a big stretch.

Being "woke" was only a sidenote for most of them. Most of the conversation around this that I have heard is about it being (in no particular order):

1. Boring
2. Bad Writing/Storytelling
3. Uninteresting Characters
4. Lore Breaking
5. Makes no sense in so many places.
6. Cringe

The reason why all of this slipped into the show may be tied to the fact that the showrunners and writers are woke and more concerned about DEI and got their jobs through political/ideological connections. You put together a group of people who live in that world, this seems to be the type of product that gets produced. I don't blame anyone for seeing who the showrunners and writing team are, and assuming it's going to be a crap show. There is enough evidence of this.

Get a team not concerned with this and more concerned about merit, consistency, and story and the results will be much better.