SSF Lightweight Gi - full review


Brown Belt
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
SSF Lightweight Gi review (originally written for

So after finally killing off one of my older gis I decided to invest in the new SSF lightweight gi, at $75 it
cool i'm in need of a gi to start up in BJJ classes again and was worried i'd have to fork over $100+. Good to know there's a quality gi for a nice price available.
Nice review. I have this gi as well and am very satisfied.
Here is a picture of the soon to be released SSF Pro Weave gi.

The Hybird weave will come out at the same time. This time around we are sizing them A2-A5. I hope you like them.
well even though I just ordered one, I think I've found my next gi in the SSF Pro
Nice review, gi looks good. I am gonna need to get a new gi soon cause the gym I am gonna be training at doesnt offer just stictly nogi classes, you have to pay a certain price and get both classes and they wont let me just pay a smaller price to train nogi, so looks like I will be needing to get one!! Looks like a good gi, probably go with this one for sure!
the only thing about ssf products for me is that i really don't like "street fighting" on my clothing. I know it's not meant to mean that but it just rubs me thewrong way.
Can you give us a heads up on what you'll be pricing your two new gi's at Ron?
The gold weave kimono will be under $99. I'm not sure on the Hybrid weave gi yet. The hybird weave was a bitch to get right.
pics are back! Can we get these in more than white?
How soon is the "soon to be released" pro weave going to be on your site Ron? I have a bunch of your gear and am a happy customer looking forward to a new Gi but I can't wait too much longer, the gym is switching from no-gi to gi for the fall/winter and the Gi have needs replacing badly :)

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