SPRAWL's Response

Steve Marino

Orange Belt
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
I have held off on responding because I wanted to talk with Chris first so that my response here would not create more fuel for this fire, a fire which we did not create. We did not talk real-time but Chris and I had a civilized email exchange yesterday.

I explained to Chris that both Monson and a manager from American Top Team (ATT) on the west coast contacted us a few months back explaining they were looking for sponsorship. (More accurately, Monson contacted Gabe and his manager contacted Steve Izzi and me.) The reasons they gave are a private matter and I explained to Brennan in my email what Jeff
I created this new thread because the mods closed the other thread. If someone wants to move it to the closed thread that is fine with us.

We posted this in defense of our reputation but this will be our last word on the matter and possibly on ANY future allegations.

Steve, I'm sorry you guys had to put up with this shit. I belive Jeremy from NoGi is agreeing not to start problems, and we can go back to discussions on gear and equipment.
Thank you for clarifying the matter for us Steve. Sorry that your efforts to support the forum have not been rewarded in kind.

Hopefully now both sides of the story are out there people can make their own conclusions and we can all move on.
KillaKix said:
Steve, I'm sorry you guys had to put up with this shit. I belive Jeremy from NoGi is agreeing not to start problems, and we can go back to discussions on gear and equipment.

I'm looking foward to that.

And Steve I think you handled this very well, my opinion of you and SPRAWL have not changed. Still one of the top dogs in my book, or atleast sig :D
Steve, classy as always. Now how come i have not recieved anything in quite some time :)
Thank you, Steve.

I'm sorry if I caused either of the business's harm.

I have no problem letting bygones be bygones, and never talking about this again.

My apologies to the forum if I made things worse.
I don't think you made anything worst. I mean the situation was pretty bad in the first place. It's murky on the internet, worse that TRW. Rumours start so easily.

I'm gonna try to ignore this whole episode. Still a fan of the work both companies does.
I appreciate this statement, and you have shown me through accepting the "Can Jeremiah fit in our shorts challenge" that you care about providing quality gear to all of us. This situation is regrettable and I am thankful for the mature and businesslike way you handled it. You have behaved in my opinion, better than some of the mods here, and I applaud you for that.
Nice, thanks.

I think most of the board members have just been a little taken by surprise with all the new rules, which made it seem like SPRAWL was trying to lock other people out and take control on here. Chris' reaction was childish, but I think a lot of us were nervious about being "shut up" here in G&E. Hopefully we are all beyond that now.
JeremiahBailey said:
I appreciate this statement, and you have shown me through accepting the "Can Jeremiah fit in our shorts challenge" that you care about providing quality gear to all of us. This situation is regrettable and I am thankful for the mature and businesslike way you handled it. You have behaved in my opinion, better than some of the mods here, and I applaud you for that.

Steve only was asked to put forward his side of the story. He's luckily not had to deal with the lion's share of crap on here so that may be why he is more cordial in his mode of address.

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