
Black Belt
Jun 7, 2004
Reaction score
Some of you may know the problems I've had previously with Sprawl, but it looks like they really made it up to me.

I had a pair of sprawls that they somehow lost track of in their reorganization (or it took them longer than expected to ship out, I dont know). They overnighted the badboys to me along with a free full sleeve Sprawl shirt (damn good shirt, imo). Unfortunately, the shorts were too small. Of course, by then all the other shorts they had were other shipped or had that unfortunate fabric defect. Sprawl then manages to find a pair of shorts from a previous manufacture to send to me, going so far as to ADD THE COMPETITION PRINT TO IT. When I got these pants, there was another problem: I ordered the split-leg. Sprawl service told me that the 2006's were coming out in a couple of weeks. I was told to keep these pants (which still rocked, they just werent exactly what I wanted) and then they'd send me the 2006 split-leg as soon as they were available. I got my 2006 in the mail last week without so much as having to remind them.They responded IMMEDIATELY to all my emails and had an impressive memory in regards to my order (no need to give annoying serial numbers). Sprawl has really gone above and beyond pretty much ANY company I've EVER dealt with to resolve a customer's grievances. Sprawl rules!

Oh yeah, and the 2006 design looks pretty awesome. I have yet to baptise it by fire, but it looks like a sturdier design. That little yellow stitch is gone and the lacing is all on the inside. It appears the waistband has much more "give" than the previous model as well. Ill give more notes on it as I try it out.
did they stop producing the comp edition one?
Awww you ruined my supprise, Steve has given me an awesome opportunity to test these shorts and tell him (and yall) what I think about them. I will writing full reviews (with pics ofcourse) in the comming week or so. But just off of first impressions, these 06 models are jaw dropping as far as shorts go.
So can someone list the design changes point by point? So far we have:

* looser fitting more comfortable waist
* Internal stitching
I just ordered a pair yesterday of the 2006 Flex Fighters, seems there gonna be shipping tomorrow. I can't wait to get them and try them out.
Would anyone like me to post pics? Oh, and when I wake up I can also do a side by side comparison of the 2 models to tell you the more salient differences if desired.
Superbeast said:
So can someone list the design changes point by point? So far we have:

* looser fitting more comfortable waist
* Internal stitching
The entire lacing of the pants are better. The previous model had a lace outside going in. It was fastened by a yellow little string that worries me about its toughness. If memory serves, this model has two inside drawstrings. There's absolutely no lacing on the outside. This design is simply more intuitive, and, due to being less complex, less likely to break.
internal draw strings? I have yet to see the new model's but I'm anxiously awaiting a pair to review.

like this?


yes or no? please post pics if u can :)

Fozzy said:
internal draw strings? I have yet to see the new model's but I'm anxiously awaiting a pair to review.

like this?


yes or no? please post pics if u can :)


Foz that is pretty much it. Ill post some more detailed pics when I write my review later this week. Ill be sure and get alot of the draw strings when I do it, just for you bra :D
thanks man. I'm supposed to be recieving a pair shortly. but pics would be appreciated until then :)

Stay well,

Personally I hate the new draw string design as illustrated in the pic. The draw strings always manage to get stuck in the velcro and subsequently frays when you try to pull it off the velcro. The new internal stitching though will force me to buy a pair regardless.
perfy said:
Personally I hate the new draw string design as illustrated in the pic. The draw strings always manage to get stuck in the velcro and subsequently frays when you try to pull it off the velcro. The new internal stitching though will force me to buy a pair regardless.

I know exactly what you mean. However, I have had no problems of the sort. Because the connecting layer of Velcro is on the bottom instead of the top, and off center, the draw strings really cant get caught in the Velcro. Plus there is about an inch of extra material on the outside of the Velcro that blockes the ties from comming on contact with the Velcro. Believe me, the guys at SPRAWL really thought these things though. My review will be comming up later this week if you want more details and pics.