Movies SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (Dragonlord's Review)

If you have seen SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME, how would you rate it?

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hey lets ruin another one of my favorite villains

Fuck outta here
I don't get what's happening but I enjoyed the trailer.
Maybe, but Spiderman is going back to Sony after this movie, presumably there will be some in-movie explanation of that.

Sony not keeping Spiderman in the MCU will be a huge tactical error on Sony’s part.

IF that’s the way Sony wants to proceed, then it makes sense that they adapted the Spiderverse storyline to introduce the multiverse. Which makes me wonder if this movie will finally be an adaptation of the “Spidermen” storyline which included a dimension hopping Mysterio, or if it’s a traditional Mysterio illusion tricks?

We shall see...
Sony not keeping Spiderman in the MCU will be a huge tactical error on Sony’s part.

IF that’s the way Sony wants to proceed, then it makes sense that they adapted the Spiderverse storyline to introduce the multiverse. Which makes me wonder if this movie will finally be an adaptation of the “Spidermen” storyline which included a dimension hopping Mysterio, or if it’s a traditional Mysterio illusion tricks?

We shall see...
Sony is greedy and selfish af. I believe Marvel made every effort they could to get Spiderman back, and, if it didn't work 100% now, it won't anymore in the near future.
This just means they think Spiderman will be the face of the MCU brand, which is now broadening its scope to the multiverse.

Definitely possible. Considering Marvel doesn't actually own Spiderman it would be a silly move. Especially with Venom doing so well for Sony it only makes sense for them to bring Spiderman back. There's also rumors that Sony is taking Spiderman back after homecoming 2. Should be interesting to see what they do.
I hated Homecoming and I don't like that this story is too dependent on the greater MCU story.

Tobey bless.

Definitely possible. Considering Marvel doesn't actually own Spiderman it would be a silly move. Especially with Venom doing so well for Sony it only makes sense for them to bring Spiderman back. There's also rumors that Sony is taking Spiderman back after homecoming 2. Should be interesting to see what they do.
My guess is there'll be a new deal to extend Spiderman's stay with Marvel but Sony getting a cut of the profit. There's no way Sony is arrogant enough to think they could do Spiderman 3 better than Marvel at this point.
My guess is there'll be a new deal to extend Spiderman's stay with Marvel but Sony getting a cut of the profit. There's no way Sony is arrogant enough to think they could do Spiderman 3 better than Marvel at this point.

Yea either they'll get a new deal or they wont. I think the main thing that will hurt Marvel is that Venom did well for Sony. There's no way Sony isn't seeing the possible massive profits they could get from a proper Spiderman\Venom movie.
My guess is there'll be a new deal to extend Spiderman's stay with Marvel but Sony getting a cut of the profit. There's no way Sony is arrogant enough to think they could do Spiderman 3 better than Marvel at this point.

And also no way the MCU did not already have a deal cut that would allow for that, going into this.

MCU/Disney does not share well unless they are the ones driving the ship. Netflix, Fox, heck even MCUTV where all put in the penalty box due to the MCU not having the level of control they wanted.

MCU/Disney was willing to destroy the entire Xmen ComicVerse going forward to try and spite and starve Fox and realized it would just be better to buy them out. I would not be shocked if Disney is negotiating for part or all of the Sony/Columbia Film universe. Properties such as, Ghostbusters, Spider-Man, Jumanji, Stuart Little, Men in Black, The Smurfs... would all do well in the Disney Universe of expanding merchandising and other spin off revenue lines.
The multiverse is how they bring in tom hardys venom. Boom.
The multiverse is how they bring in tom hardys venom. Boom.
I'd prefer Tom Hardy in the MCU as Wolverine or Ghost Rider but I'll take Venom.

Another person that needs to be in the MCU is Michael Jai White. He's 50-something but still in better shape than all of us. Make him Blade
I'd prefer Tom Hardy in the MCU as Wolverine or Ghost Rider but I'll take Venom.

Another person that needs to be in the MCU is Michael Jai White. He's 50-something but still in better shape than all of us. Make him Blade
I like that casting as a relaunch for Blade. I would also like to see the MCU give Snipes some love and find a role for him with some legs.

@Dragonlordxxxxx any casting thoughts for a Blade relaunch? Any roles you could see Snipes play in the MCU?
hey lets ruin another one of my favorite villains

Fuck outta here

Mysterio is the one controlling the monsters invading the planet

At least thats what I got out of the trailer

He is trying to make himself to be some big hero but we all know better than that

Iron Man was the face of the MCU during the Infinity Saga. He kicked off this movie universe. He's the most popular in the MCU. He appears in the most movies. His character even stands out the most among the Avengers in every Avengers movie:

Avengers - He ends the Chitauri conflict
Age of Ultron - The plot focuses on him. The villain is a mirror of him. He, with Thor's help, stops the Sokovia meteor. His visions foreshadows Thanos
Infinity War - Thanos acknowledges him the most out of everyone he fights. Strange acknowledges Tony's importance
Endgame - He figures out time travel to get the stones. He is the one who ends the final battle

How blind do you have to be to not see he was the clear face of the brand up until now?

I am a hardcore RDJ fan. I know damn well how important he was as the face of MCU when it was being built up but the MCU has evolved to the point now that it's more than just one person. It's a thriving universe just like in the comic books where you can follow one series/movie and not really have to follow another if you don't want to.

Yes Spider-Man will spiritually be the face of the MCU moving forward but he doesn't have to be the sole one because this world is populated with other many great characters now. You don't have to be a Spider-Man fan or follow the series to enjoy the MCU if you really don't want to. You don't enjoy Guardian movies? okay watch Black Panther. You not a Captain Marvel fan.. whatever.. Doc Strange is still around.

I didn't collect every Marvel series when I was into comics. I collected and read the ones I liked. It's the same shit with MCU. This is a developed world with more to come. The face of MCU is no longer one person.. it's a collection of heroes. Watch and follow some or all of them... Your choice.

What does it matter who the face of MCU is going forward? Fans like me are still going to watch it all regardless who they throw up as character standing in the middle of a Marvel billboard. I don't care if it's Captain Marvel, Spider-Man or Howard the Duck... Just continue making enjoyable MCU movies and I'll keep throwing my money at them...
I am a hardcore RDJ fan. I know damn well how important he was as the face of MCU when it was being built up but the MCU has evolved to the point now that it's more than just one person. It's a thriving universe just like in the comic books where you can follow one series/movie and not really have to follow another if you don't want to.

Yes Spider-Man will spiritually be the face of the MCU moving forward but he doesn't have to be the sole one because this world is populated with other many great characters now. You don't have to be a Spider-Man fan or follow the series to enjoy the MCU if you really don't want to. You don't enjoy Guardian movies? okay watch Black Panther. You not a Captain Marvel fan.. whatever.. Doc Strange is still around.

I didn't collect every Marvel series when I was into comics. I collected and read the ones I liked. It's the same shit with MCU. This is a developed world with more to come. The face of MCU is no longer one person.. it's a collection of heroes. Watch and follow some or all of them... Your choice.

What does it matter who the face of MCU is going forward? Fans like me are still going to watch it all regardless who they throw up as character standing in the middle of a Marvel billboard. I don't care if it's Captain Marvel, Spider-Man or Howard the Duck... Just continue making enjoyable MCU movies and I'll keep throwing my money at them...
Holy Out-of-Left-Field Rant