Speared in the Nuts!!!



okay, I gotta get this off my chest right now.

First let me start off by saying I'm a kickboxer and this is my first year doing competitive wrestling. So I got some natural instincts that kinda hinder me.

I was wrestling in the 145 class yesterday, and my team was down by eleven points. I had to win by pin and we already had a forfeit coming up after me. for the first two thirds of the period I was winning 4-0, then he got an escape, i grapped on to his ankle, and he slipped out and ran away from me. I got up and was P-ed off and chased...more like sprinted after him ( in Kickboxing, if some one runs away from you, you chase after them and use the momentum to elbow, knee, or kick your way to victory). he turned around lowered his level so his head level was even with my waist, (again, my first reaction was to knee him in the face, but caught myself in time to stop the knee from coming) and he speared the crap out of me. And I guess by the title you know where he hit me. I flew back at least three or four feet.

I was ROCKED, That took A LOT of wind out of me. Even though I was stronger, faster, and almost ead even on than this guy, I just couldn't bring myself to take him down, or out grapple him on the ground. I brought myself to my back three times, and ended up bridging and rolling everytime.

the last time I had just tried an elvator, got caught on my back, still shaken from the nut shot, bridged, looked at the score board and saw that there was only 10 seconds left. I held on and rolled over once there was two seconds left on the clock. He won 11-4/5. That lost our teams chance of winning.

I feel like crap today, I feel like I let the team down because I could have won it for them.

I have truama to my elbow and knee from the spear, and got a bruised groin. At practice near the middle, I got elbowed in the groin again and sat out the rest of practice. It's just throbbing pain.
I hope I come out of this with something, besides a new appreciation for cups. I know alot of you have done permanent or long lasting damage like breaking or hyperextending limbs. I just want to know what I can gain out of this.

No chasing an escaped opponent.
Wear my cup everytime, cuz it could be the time ( first match of anykind not wearing a cup).
Never give up.
Use injury time next chance.

dude that sucks. i have a similar problem, every time i wrestle or grapple or do any ground work theres somthing about the way i wrestle i always sack my self on my opponents knee or somthing. sucks to get baged in the middle of a match, altho im so use to it in a match i dont feel it till after wards.
Man this wasnt a regular nut shot though. This was me sprinting toward this guy full speed, him turning and getting a step in pushing, and all that force transmitted to my nuts.

The way you probably get sacked alot is your stance. I know how it is, since Im also a kickboxer. Our stance is all wacked up for kickboxing, and all of the sudden ...BOOM!
I'm wearing my steel cup next time, Imagine, if he had the force to bruise my groin and cause trauma to my elbow and knee, if he had rammed into my steel cup. KTFO right there.

BTW nice record. I'm 5-3.
Getting severely hit it the nuts happens to every guy sometimes, still sucks though... yours sounds like the most severe/painful story i've ever heard though....
Ouch, that sucks man. Bet you wish you threw that knee now.
TapOutGrapler said:
Man this wasnt a regular nut shot though. This was me sprinting toward this guy full speed, him turning and getting a step in pushing, and all that force transmitted to my nuts.

The way you probably get sacked alot is your stance. I know how it is, since Im also a kickboxer. Our stance is all wacked up for kickboxing, and all of the sudden ...BOOM!
I'm wearing my steel cup next time, Imagine, if he had the force to bruise my groin and cause trauma to my elbow and knee, if he had rammed into my steel cup. KTFO right there.

BTW nice record. I'm 5-3.

steal cup i like that idea i might try that out..... also congrates on 5 and 3
Dude that sucks, but ti happens. Hell even with a cup on shit can get fucked up. Last time I was sparring MT I took at spinning back kick right to the cup, I was wearing one of those steel MT cups and I got kicked so hard it left a bruise the shape of the cup around my junk.
^ I had that same problem dude, this one was worse since I as wearing a cup on loose. I got football punted right on the underside of my cup in KB, (it was a newb, and a girl at that too) and it slid up and cuahgt one of my boys, think of it like slicing in half. thats waht it felt like. I had enough time to expect it so I just fought it out until the buzzer rang.
yes...the nuts...the underside of the nuts

great now you guys just reminded me of it. Getting all depressed right now.
TapOutGrapler said:
okay, I gotta get this off my chest right now.

First let me start off by saying I'm a kickboxer and this is my first year doing competitive wrestling. So I got some natural instincts that kinda hinder me.

I was wrestling in the 145 class yesterday, and my team was down by eleven points. I had to win by pin and we already had a forfeit coming up after me. for the first two thirds of the period I was winning 4-0, then he got an escape, i grapped on to his ankle, and he slipped out and ran away from me. I got up and was P-ed off and chased...more like sprinted after him ( in Kickboxing, if some one runs away from you, you chase after them and use the momentum to elbow, knee, or kick your way to victory). he turned around lowered his level so his head level was even with my waist, (again, my first reaction was to knee him in the face, but caught myself in time to stop the knee from coming) and he speared the crap out of me. And I guess by the title you know where he hit me. I flew back at least three or four feet.

I was ROCKED, That took A LOT of wind out of me. Even though I was stronger, faster, and almost ead even on than this guy, I just couldn't bring myself to take him down, or out grapple him on the ground. I brought myself to my back three times, and ended up bridging and rolling everytime.

the last time I had just tried an elvator, got caught on my back, still shaken from the nut shot, bridged, looked at the score board and saw that there was only 10 seconds left. I held on and rolled over once there was two seconds left on the clock. He won 11-4/5. That lost our teams chance of winning.

I feel like crap today, I feel like I let the team down because I could have won it for them.

I have truama to my elbow and knee from the spear, and got a bruised groin. At practice near the middle, I got elbowed in the groin again and sat out the rest of practice. It's just throbbing pain.
I hope I come out of this with something, besides a new appreciation for cups. I know alot of you have done permanent or long lasting damage like breaking or hyperextending limbs. I just want to know what I can gain out of this.

No chasing an escaped opponent.
Wear my cup everytime, cuz it could be the time ( first match of anykind not wearing a cup).
Never give up.
Use injury time next chance.


stop posting
dont ever come back
have someone sew your lips shut
kill yourself

do it now
dapunisher said:
stop posting
dont ever come back
have someone sew your lips shut
kill yourself

do it now
thank god someone understands where I'm coming from.

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