Spartacus may have the best first season of any show, ever.
Probably one of the worst, actually. Or at least uneven. The first four or so episodes are painfully awful. Like shit-tier awful.
Probably one of the worst, actually. Or at least uneven. The first four or so episodes are painfully awful. Like shit-tier awful. They did turn it around quite miraculously though, but as far as first impressions go, it's one of the worst from an otherwise very good show.
The season had a slow start, admittedly. Even Andy had to take a while to really get in character, and it took Liam the entire 3rd season to get in gear.
But when the show got in gear, from the 4th-5th episode until the end of the 2nd season, some of the best damn TV ever.
The season had a slow start, admittedly. Even Andy had to take a while to really get in character, and it took Liam the entire 3rd season to get in gear.
But when the show got in gear, from the 4th-5th episode until the end of the 2nd season, some of the best damn TV ever.
I'll say it's one of the most dramatic turnarounds for any show I can think of. The shitty beginnings for me, really didn't have anything to do with people getting into character, or anything. It was just a terrible show. Melodramatic to a cringe-worthy level, and just cheap looking as all hell. It was straight up B-movie schlock. Then, something happened, and the writers and show runners realized it could be so much better, and got their shit together.