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Social South African Destruction Now Almost Assured

I mentioned plenty of things but because you're either too stupid to read properly or just plain deceitful, you can only put words in my mouth.

YOU claimed I was talking about Democrats vs Republicans, and I never even mentioned Republicans. I clearly said 'those who are for socialism and those who are against socialism', and YOU interpreted that as 'Democrats vs Republicans'. That's on YOU, not me.

I also never mentioned communists, but you claim I did. And yet somehow it's me who's pushing BS? LOL

I'm sure it's a mixture of both IQ influencing wealth, and wealth influencing IQ. I also think anyone who doesn't believe tens of thousands of years of evolution in vastly different parts of the world between the different races didn't have an effect on the brains of those races is a moron.

ROFL!!!!!!!! It's the Democrats who are obsessed with identity politics now. Republicans don't go NEAR race/identity. What the fuck are you talking about? You really have no idea.

Both parties are shit, and that's the truth. But blacks & Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat because so many of them love free stuff. And they consistently vote for more free stuff, which the Democrats always promise them. Democrats get something out of it (more votes, which is why they're in favour of open borders, so they can flood the USA with Democrat voters), and the migrants get something out of it (free stuff).

Democrats will destroy the USA.

Republicans aren't so in favour of giving them free stuff.

Republicans aren't pushing identity politics. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

... says the guy who thinks Republicans are the party pushing identity politics today.

You are so dumb. LOL

I guarantee your IQ isn't over 85.

1.- You are still saying nothing, you never meant what you write despite the fact that you always say it, i have seen you denying being a racist and never saying racist shit until recently. Now you dont hide it at all since its been somewhat normalized, you are an intellectual pussy. Nothing more.

2.- No, you are the one that said "Well minorities are going to destroy America because they vote socialist". In America there are only 2 viable parties and that has been true for over 150 years, so yes, if you are talking about VOTING IN AMERICA, you are talking about DEMOCRATS VS REPUBLICANS. Unless you claim a third party will rise that will pander to minorities only or that DEMOCRATS are moving further to the economic left, which is weird, because Bernie primary support came from YOUNG WHITE MALES, not minorities.

3.- You are sure based on what? even in the most modern large nations the vast majority of the population are intellectually illiterate and are only good at their trade, the intellectual progression of mankind rests in the minds of a few visionaries and geniuses, not in the bulk of the population, average IQ is meaningless because wealth is not created by average joe but by bright minds.

4.- Seriously? democrats can actually push legislation because they actually have policies. Republicans cant even repeal Obamacare.

5.- Republicans are the party of identity politics, outside of identity politics they have ZERO capability to govern at this point.
The Nazis didn't try it. And in the future, white people REALLY will need to protect themselves. It's inevitable.

From what? Stop spouting none sense, there wont be a pure white race as time goes by thats a fact from science. im really tired of you backwards ass idiots talkin all this none sense.
All your doing is fear mongering an causing my issues then solving. So should my white parents protect themselves from what exactly? Get that Stormfront shit out of here, that kind of talk is what causes divide in the united states. White people need to protect themselves, lmao. Most insane shit i've read
Great argument. Flawless. Which such a strong counter-argument, and with all the evidence you provide to prove me wrong, any response to you is obviously futile.

Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat for 'free stuff'.

Democrats are so in favour of no borders because it means they're importing Democrat voters into the country. Hispanics, and every other non-white group, overwhelmingly votes Democrat. If Russian Orthodox Christians were flooding into the USA by the millions and overwhelmingly voting Republican AND moving the Republican party further to the right, you'd suddenly see Democrats speaking out against illegal immigration. It's so funny because it's so true. They're so transparent. LOL

To Democrats, a "clear path" = no borders.

You have no idea what socialism is. Venezuela, Cuba, Soviet Union etc etc are socialism. How'd they turn out? Come back in 50-100 years time, and that's what the USA will be like.

You failed to debunk my argument that Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat for more socialist policies, such as 'free stuff'. Whenever you're ready to, go ahead. ;)

This deep ignorance of recent American history is so pathetic and sad.
wait wait....

did that idiot say latinos vote democrat for socialist policies lol.

that's fucking retarded.
they vote democrat because democrats don't have their heads up their asses on immigration. instead of losing hundreds of billions on detention, deportation, loss of tax revenue, etc they say give a clear path to immigration for immigrants.

that's not socialism. socialism is like public schools, public roads, public police, public fire departments, public military, public mail, parks, free speech, free vote, all are mechanisms of power and regardless of your wealth you get to use them because they are public owned by society and shared.

politics 101. America is a Federal-social-republic-aristocracy-appointed obligarchy if you want to get cute. It's always been that way.
I think it's undeniable minorities benefit relatively more from "socialism". Yes there are poor whites and they may still receive a lot of welfare too, but in the end it's the minorities that receive the most critical welfare like housing and food.

Make the USA an anarchocapitalist country for a decade and see who comes out on top. Probably the whites and asians as they usually are richer, own property and don't rely on handouts to survive. Even some fat dumb redneck that owns a small farm and a trailer will have a better chance than some illegal or some welfare moma who lives on public housing and food stamps in detroit.

That's a reason the libertarian movement has/had so many white nationalist adherents, it's not that they care about the philosophy behind libertarianism but they know that it will hurt minorities more. It also kind of worked in some southern states, places like mississipi have such bad public services that they suffer from black flight and blacks are now around 35% of the population instead of 50% like in the past.
From what? Stop spouting none sense, there wont be a pure white race as time goes by thats a fact from science. im really tired of you backwards ass idiots talkin all this none sense.
All your doing is fear mongering an causing my issues then solving. So should my white parents protect themselves from what exactly? Get that Stormfront shit out of here, that kind of talk is what causes divide in the united states. White people need to protect themselves, lmao. Most insane shit i've read

Black and latino criminals ? you know the people responsible for majority of the worst crimes in murica. If you were in cuck Europe your be protecting your self from africans and muslims rapes, unless you support your kids ass getting enriched.
From what? Stop spouting none sense, there wont be a pure white race as time goes by thats a fact from science.
Your wishful thinking isn't science, nor is your racial hatred.
1.- You never mention anything, thats your modus operandi, that way you can have plausible deniability when you get confronted with how much BS you actually push.

2.- Flynn effect does proves that average IQ is not the cause of the wealth of a nation but a result.

3.- Again, they vote democrats because Republicans are a shitty party who only has identity politics to show, and these identity politics dont appeal to Hispanics.

And lol at Democrats being socialists, Democrats are less socialists than right wing parties in Europe.

What is Flynn effect?
So, the President, Jacob Zuma, fired the finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, last night (after recalling him on Wednesday from an international roadtrip intended to encourage investor confidence) and has replaced him with the former Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba.

Gigaba's only qualification for the job is his loyalty to the eminently corrupt president.
This is nothing more than a manoeuvre intended to give the president complete control over, and access to the treasury.
Considering that Zuma is in the pocket of the Gupta business/crime family, this could also be seen as the final chapter in a story of state capture.

For all those who predicted SA ending up like Zimbabwe, this could be the first real step in making you look like Nostradamuses.
This is also likely to be a wet dream come true if you like to debate against leftists.




So... I might be looking for a place to stay soon, any right-wingers want to take in an African refugee? That'll stun the liberals into silence ;)
South Africa is a great example to hold up for what the results of affirmative action and identity politics are. They can't even fully provide electricity to their own people because they care more about advancing blacks ahead of whites than they do about providing for the general welfare. Pathetic.
Just more right wing hysteria. 99% of the posters in this thread have never actually been to South Africa. White people are not endangered. Race relations are perfectly fine, just like every other developed nation.
Have you ever been?! No, race relations are not fine. And no, everything else is not fine, either. You have affirmative action type quota policies that have ensured that the country can't even reliably provide electricity for its citizens and the power service hasnt' even met the quota yet! They have asked to be exempted from it in order to even maintain their current levels because they can't do without the qualified white workers that will have to be fired. Also, look at the discussions in their parliaments. You have a group of whites and a group of blacks and the blacks all jeer at the whites when they talk and the whites turn around and call the blacks racist for it and for their policies since by raw numbers, the blacks are in power and voting against the interests of the whites (and ultimately, their own as well). lol
South Africa is a great example to hold up for what the results of affirmative action and identity politics are. They can't even fully provide electricity to their own people because they care more about advancing blacks ahead of whites than they do about providing for the general welfare. Pathetic.

Apartheid wasnt identity politics?
Inconvenient facts?

More like retarded irrelevant facts.

Mehmed IV was the son of a slave, and her grandmother was also a slave.

In the Ottoman empire a bought woman gained full rights upon marriage, in the transatlantic slave trade a slave woman was a slave, and her sons were slaves and your color defined your slavery. When Texas seceded from Mexico the first thing they did was enslaving all black people living in Texas because black = slave.

Meanwhile white people were literally the rulers of the Ottoman empire due to birthright from the ottoman slavery system, ever wondered why later sultans are portrayed white and not asian?
Replacing one set of identity politics with another still results in identity politics.

Not an argument there buddy, but blacks being incapable of ruling themselves in South Africa kinda has a shitload to do with their lack of opportunities in the first place.