Something happening at the solar observatory

Does @N13 derail a thread? Or does he put it on the rails it should have been on all along....?
Neither. He just posts a bunch of stupid shit and a ton of animated gifs. I’m in here trying to figure out wtf happened at the observatory, and all I see is this basement dweller’s animated gifs of the Brady Bunch he uses to jerk off while his mom is at work.
Neither. He just posts a bunch of stupid shit and a ton of animated gifs. I’m in here trying to figure out wtf happened at the observatory, and all I see is this basement dweller’s animated gifs of the Brady Bunch he uses to jerk off while his mom is at work.


I know exactly what happened at the observatory and I said so, the rest is just me extracting some entertainment value out of my little clown bitch.


Say hello to my beautiful friend. ^

not the Toid, they tried to kill me one too many times.