Some Critque

Tom Dziedzic

White Belt
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Heres the videos of my fight from 5/30/08. Took place at the end of a tournament called the KO drugs highschool boxing tournament. Theres susposed to be no amateur expierience so that draws in alot of tough guys that try to get in there and kill you. Anyways I've been training since about last summer off and on and decided to see if i wanted to fight amateur. I fought a kid who graduated this year, I'm going to be a junior next year.
Here are the videos, feedback is appreicated.
BTW, rounds are 1 minute, so go easy on my technique, its hard to focus when you have to throw lots of punches to score.

YouTube - Tom Dziedzic Ko Drugs boxing TKO

YouTube - Tom Dziedzic Ko Drugs boxing part 2 TKO

Lol i think i got all of the details down this time. So like I said feedback is appreciated
both your hands were excellent.

also, who or what is drugs? Were you on drugs? Was your opponent on drugs? Are you in the red? SO many questions that need to be answered.

eh but honestly. the hands were terrible. I thought at first you guys were kickboxing. But then i realized its full fledged boxing and then it hurt me to watch your exchanges. Backyard boxing at best.

everytime you guys traded blows, the range just became completely stuffed and it just became some wild, head down, windmill fest.
Hahaha the guy in the blue ... well is he protecting his liver or something, pick up your bleeping hand.

After the first "combo" was thrown and the guy in the blue turned around i closed the window.
WHo ever was in red easily won. Blue was just flailing and red countered him all day.
upon second glance. Red did throw some straighter punches throughout the course of the rounds. Blue just really hurt my eyes.
Is this Arturo Gatti/Mickey Ward fight?

Man that was a slugfest. HAHA.
. But I have a fight this wednesday againt a similar opponent and would like some ideas on strategies to fight.

question. are these like toughman comps? and also did you have a corner? cus i couldnt spot em

Well nway heres my critique.

1st round..I didnt see you throw one jab in the first round. LOL. i saw you hardly paw your left out there, but i dont think i actually saw you throw a jab. honestly i think you woulda lit him up if you had just thrown it out there, try it sometime, it really scares some people.

Also, i dont know how existant your left hook is, or how adept your vision is, but didnt you see that the guy you were fighting was fighting with his right hand by his waist? Thats one step from him presenting his chin to you on a silver platter.

The 2nd round. You just get smothered again. The reason? Once again you had no jab to fend him off or keep him at bay. Kinda like a post between you and him. With the jab, you coulda stuck him in the face and circled out, instead of being shoved back into the ropes where a ridiculous slap fest ensues.

The 3rd round was like a recreation of the 2nd. Except your opponent was alot more off balanced this time.

So all in all? Jab. that is my only advice.

On a final note your opponents footwork was fuckin CRRAZY! And not in a good way. You ever see those newborn giraffes or horses that cant quite support themselves on all four legs yet? and gallop around all clumsy? Really reminded me of that. Going in there and throwing blows when he didnt even know how to stand on his own two feet yet. No goot. But nonetheless i give you and blue your due respect for getting in there.
Lol Wow. I apologize for not clearing everything up. First off, I was red shorts so I'm glad that I got some positive feedback. And second Ko drugs is a hgihschool boxing tournament they put on, really its a toughman contest for dudes who wanna act tough and be badass. I've been training under Rusty Rosenberger, who was a middleweight in the late 70s. But anyways thank you all for your feedback, I will post my videos tomorrow of the new fight. So if you're on more critque welcome. Also thanks fighting rabbit, i did try jabbing but it was pretty shitty and i didnt step nor commit to it. I fought like shit really, but I'll get my fight tomorrow online tomorrow night and hopefully there'll be an Improvemnt
Thanks again, Tom Dziedzic
Lol Wow. I apologize for not clearing everything up. First off, I was red shorts so I'm glad that I got some positive feedback. And second Ko drugs is a hgihschool boxing tournament they put on, really its a toughman contest for dudes who wanna act tough and be badass. I've been training under Rusty Rosenberger, who was a middleweight in the late 70s. But anyways thank you all for your feedback, I will post my videos tomorrow of the new fight. So if you're on more critque welcome. Also thanks fighting rabbit, i did try jabbing but it was pretty shitty and i didnt step nor commit to it. I fought like shit really, but I'll get my fight tomorrow online tomorrow night and hopefully there'll be an Improvemnt
Thanks again, Tom Dziedzic

Seriously, it is good that you have a coach that sounds like he has some experience. It is also good that you are out there doing fights, congrats.

As for my advice, If I were you and had a trainer who has professional boxing experience. I would sit down with him and go through your fight tape to get his critique! That should be the most important/honest advice you can get!

As for my opinion (take it or leave it, as you should with the rest on this forum): Jab more!, Cirle/angle more, work on counter punching! You had alot of opportunity in this tape to do so!
Thanks sullivan, So tomorrow when i go out i'm really going to step and snap my out, and circle and wait for the right hand. It's just hard when they bull rush and the rounds are only 45 seconds, but most guys tire out after 1 round. But like I said I'll post the new videos tomorrow for you guys.
Thanks again, Tom Dziedzic.
Thanks sullivan, So tomorrow when i go out i'm really going to step and snap my out, and circle and wait for the right hand. It's just hard when they bull rush and the rounds are only 45 seconds, but most guys tire out after 1 round. But like I said I'll post the new videos tomorrow for you guys.
Thanks again, Tom Dziedzic.

No prob!

Once you get your footwork down and are comfortable, it will actually make it far easier when they "bull rush". It will get easier with practice....... As will everything else! Good luck brotha, keep goin!
Sounds like your corner was giving you some good advice to me. The guy had his hands down and head forward so many times it's like he had a sign under his chin that read "PUNCH HERE".
Wow thats terrible for 4 fights. Where do you train? Do they not like you or something?
Heres the videos of my fight from 5/30/08. Took place at the end of a tournament called the KO drugs highschool boxing tournament. Theres susposed to be no amateur expierience so that draws in alot of tough guys that try to get in there and kill you. Anyways I've been training since about last summer off and on and decided to see if i wanted to fight amateur. I fought a kid who graduated this year, I'm going to be a junior next year.
Here are the videos, feedback is appreicated.
BTW, rounds are 1 minute, so go easy on my technique, its hard to focus when you have to throw lots of punches to score.

YouTube - Tom Dziedzic Ko Drugs boxing TKO

YouTube - Tom Dziedzic Ko Drugs boxing part 2 TKO

Lol i think i got all of the details down this time. So like I said feedback is appreciated.
LOL 'KO drugs boxing tournament' as in "Knock Out Drugs"??

wait so theyd rather have you in there receiving a concussion by some wannabe toughguys than smoking a little pot??

That is some twisted logic.