SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY v.2 (Dragonlord's Review)


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Jun 3, 2009
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Update: May 24, 2018

Dragonlord’s Review of SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY
(No Spoilers)

Bottom Line: A pleasant and watchable origin story but not really a must-see.


Production on Solo: A Star Wars Story has been plagued by controversies with original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller fired due to creative differences despite having shot almost the entire movie already. Veteran director Ron Howard was then brought in and reshot 70% of the movie. There were also reports that an acting coach was brought in for lead star Alden Ehrenreich.

So what’s the verdict? Solo is a serviceable, fast-paced origin story for one of the most beloved and iconic character in movie history. The film narrates how Han Solo became an infamous smuggler, how he and Chewbacca met, how he got the Millennium Falcon and how he accomplished the legendary Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

Unless you have an incredible story to tell, Solo is also an unnecessary spinoff movie as it is better to leave some of his past accomplishments to the imaginations of the fans. I don’t know if it’s Star Wars fatigue or The Last Jedi leaving a bad taste in my mouth but Solo didn’t really engage me for the most part. The movie just goes through the motions in a predictable way and there are retreads from past Star Wars movies as well as other sci-fi shows.

On the casting side, it’s all aces. Ehrenreich is terrific as Han Solo. His performance has a dash of Harrison Ford while simultaneously giving his own spin on the character. I initially thought he was wrong for the part after the casting announcement but Donald Glover as Lando Carlissian was amazing as Lando Calrissian. He was smooth, charming, funny and his sabaac game with Han was one of the best parts of the film.

Acting as Long John Silver to Han’s Jim Hawkins, Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson) was a fun character. Beckett’s other crew members Val (Thandie Newton) and Rio Durant (voiced by Jon Favreau) were also endearing and memorable. Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke) is a lovely character that you can’t help be enamored due to her beauty, intelligence and loyalty. L3-37 (voiced by Phoebe Waller-Bridge) is a mixed bag. On one hand her sass and acerbic personality are humorous but then they introduce a new element that could create a major impact (or plot hole) in the Star Wars lore.

The good news is that Solo: A Star Wars Story is better and less offensive than The Last Jedi. There are a few visually great moments in here like the topsy-turvy train heist and the Kessel Run. The appearance of a surprise character at the end felt tacked on and forced, like trying to tie something unrelated to a bigger universe. Your enjoyment of Solo will vary depending on how big of a fan you are of Star Wars.

Recasting a young Han Solo and Lando Calrissian is a step in the right direction for Lucasfilm. One of my major complaint about Lucasfilm’s direction for the Star Wars universe after Disney bought them is that instead of recasting the iconic characters like Luke, Han and Leia with new actors and continuing the story a few years after Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm screwed up royally by being shortsighted and casting the aged actors for a cheap pop and revolving the new sequel trilogy around them and then tossing them aside like garbage. Imagine if Marvel Studios stopped making movies today. 30 years later, Marvel Studios makes a new batch of movies. You don’t cast Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth to reprise their roles and aged the characters just to fit the actors’ age. You cast new actors to play Iron Man, Captain America and Thor.

Preliminary Rating: 6.5/10 or 7/10
I'm definitely going, just because

1. Ron Howard


2. Rogue One was good.

I don't have crazy high expectations or anything, just hoping for it to not be wretched diarrhea like the new trilogy. So hopefully I will enjoy it.

The TV spots and trailers look like a lot of fun. I think at the very least there will be some memorable scenes and setpieces like the poker game (or whatever the hell space gambling is) for the Millennium Falcon and the train sequence. Millennium Falcon is cool to see in action and it will be good to see more of Chewbacca.
When does this thing come out?

And why isn't it today?

Missed opportunity.

May the 4th on a Friday... and they don't release a SW movie that's coming out soon anyway... cans
Disney probably doesn't want to ruin the INFINITY WAR run, or kill SOLO's chances. Besides 5/4 is a fan date. The films' schedule of release falls more towards end of May historically.
When does this thing come out?

And why isn't it today?

Missed opportunity.

May the 4th on a Friday... and they don't release a SW movie that's coming out soon anyway... cans

This weekend and next weekend are weak as fuck in terms of releases so it would've made sense.

Because of MoviePass I have been doing one to two movies per week. But this week and the next are a goddamn dead zone. I am oractically begging for something to go see.
Hard Pass from me on this one. I'm struggling to feel any interest in Star Wars after TLJ.
‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Doubled ‘Black Panther’ Ticket Presales

For awhile, Star Wars fans were worried whether Solo: A Star Wars Story was going to turn out all right. When directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were removed from the production and replaced by Ron Howard, there was a lot of concern whether the movie was going to live up to the legacy of Star Wars and one of the most beloved characters in the galaxy. But it sounds like fans aren’t nearly as worried as they used to be, because ticket presales have soared past almost all of the biggest-selling movies of the year.

Solo: A Star Wars Story tickets went on sale just in time for Star Wars Day on May 4th, and within the first 24 hours, the smuggler’s origin story doubled the ticket presales of Black Panther. The Star Wars spin-off sold enough tickets to have the second-best first day of presales in 2018.

Full article:

‘Solo’ Sequels Will Probably Happen If ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ is a Hit

Ron Howard has confirmed something you probably could’ve guessed for yourself: if Solo: A Star Wars Story breaks the bank at the box office, get ready for some Solo sequels. Star Alden Ehrenreich previously confirmed he signed for multiple Star Wars films when he took the lead in Solo.

In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes and Star Wars sequels. Sitting down Fandago, Solo: A Star Wars Story director Ron Howard dropped some info that you likely already surmised: Solo sequels are definitely a possibility, box office willing. Howard stressed that at the moment, there aren’t any definite plans for Solo sequels. But if the audience reaction to the film is big enough, you can expect Disney and Lucasfilm to start making plans:

“I think the fans are going to define all of that. I mean I think that Lucasfilm and Disney in casting actors, and particularly younger actors, want to see what happens and build upon that. Certainly, they want the commitment from the young actors, but there are no concrete plans. I think there’s been a lot of creative energy and now marketing energy going behind this movie.”

Full article:
There’s quite a few of us who are skipping this movie.. I’ll be one of them. Deadpool 2 and another few sessions of Infinity War will fill the void..

Worse part is that you feel the need to come in here & tell us about it. If you don't want to see it then GTFO... you serve no purpose in this thread other than to exhibit your distaste over & over & over & over again. FFS... get a life & discuss something you enjoy. You've said your bit about not being into the movie... so move on.

Worse part is that you feel the need to come in here & tell us about it. If you don't want to see it then GTFO... you serve no purpose in this thread other than to exhibit your distaste over & over & over & over again. FFS... get a life & discuss something you enjoy. You've said your bit about not being into the movie... so move on.
You should probably just stfu. You get so butthurt at everyones opinion. Stop being such a baby and grow some balls. You’re coming off as a giant douche bag.
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I havent seen a whole lot of buzz for this movie. It looks pretty awful due to the guy playing Han and it seems more like a fast and the furious movie than star wars. Its just really missing something.

I expect great reviews for an average or below average movie.
You should probably just stfu. You get so butthurt at everyones opinion. Stop being such a baby and grow some balls. You’re coming off as a giant douche bag.

"Things a giant douche bag would say" Alex.

Someone who's life goal is to come into a thread & explain over & over endlessly why they don't like the movie is definitely proving to be more of a douche bag than someone who is trying to make the point that we can have constructive criticism, but this hater sh*t like you do is not apreciated.

Now if you got something constructive to say, then please feel free to present it... but as long as you're just mindlessly spewing hatred then it is you that needs to be escorted out... not me. There's a big difference between discussing a movie... compared to endlessly hating on it like you are doing.

If you have no interest in the movie... what are you here for? You've said your peace... now move on.
I got my tickets. I’m not terribly interested in this but like I said before, it’s a family event and everyone else in my household is excited. Hopefully it’s decent.
I really want to see this as I grew up a huge fan of Han Solo but I can't but feel like the guy playing Solo isn't the problem.

It's Emilia Clarke that'st he problem for me in the trailers.
Damn that's a much bigger opening than I expected. I thought this might be the first star wars film to bomb but it appears that people will pay for anything.
Really a $150 million opening weekend??

I left TFA and TLJ very underwhelmed. Did not like TLJ at all.
I was really hoping this would bomb as well.

Maybe it's just a sign of aging, but I've lost interest in Star Wars and I never had much interest in Marvel. Fuck Disney.