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So I sez to Mable I sez...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stupafly
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what the hell are your hooker boots doing hanging together on a telephone pole wire???
And Mable sez to me she sez well I was walking in the park down by the river where natives sniff gasoline in paper bags and they attacked me they did. They were brutish knaves they was and not only did they take my thigh high stripper boots but they took my whole durned stripper outfit. You know the one with the purple thong and the tassles and whatnot.
And so the knaves take my boots and tie them up and throw them up on that there telepone pole wire but they have the common courtesy to give me back my thong and tassles. So thats why my hooker boots are up on a telephone pole wire.
So I sez to Mable I sez
So thats how your hooker boots got up on the telephone wire but that still don't explain why you your hogtied facedown in a pile of your own feces.
And Mable sez to me she sez... Oh well, I was walking down the path in the park closer to the big oak tree, barefoot of course cuz the gas sniffing Indians had taken my hooker boots. So i'm walking and walking and finally I get out on the road so I'm walking and walking and figuring that I'm gonna be late for work cuz them gas sniffing Indians stole my boots, and what am I gonna dance in??? My bare feet?? And I'm walking on the road and this fellow in a peice of shit car looks like a mix between a an AMC Gremlin and a Ford Pinto rolls up and aske me if I wanted a ride. Now I'm not in the habit of taking rides from strange men but after everything that had happened I was grateful and not thinking straight...
... So I get into his car and I ask him his name. I tell I'm Mable but he just looks at me funny and keeps driving. So to make a short story long he drives me back to the park by the river where the Indians hang out and sniff gas and he shows me these hooker boots on a telephone pole wire and he asks me if they are mine or not. And I take a look and you know what them hooker boots arent even mine. Aint that a coinky dink they are are back leather while mine are high quality go go plastic. But for some reason the fact that the boots aren't mine makes him angry...
... so he's all angry and flipping out and he goes to his POS car and grabs some rope now I don't know what hes doing with this rope but to make a long story short he hogties me up but thats not my feces I'm facedown in no, its...
That reminds me of a time when I was a young tacker, about 6 years old.
I was walking home from school and an old man driving his car, slows down, opens his car door and says "Hey little boy, I will give you a lolly if you come in my car. "

I responded to the old man "Give me a bag of lollies and I will cum in your mouth."

Hahahaha.....Now get the fuck off my board Stupafly.
So Mable sez to Pablo... fat chance, bye the bye I'm no newbie but my belt is white.

Why so hostile? Did I offend you with my story? Well sod off you tosser lest my foot find your bum.
Hey whatever floats your boat, whatever eats your shit, whatever lights your fire, whatever blows your sails...
Whats strange. Tanner Rhoden tying some stripper up and leaving her hogtied facedown in a pile of his feces.

Yeah, thats a little strange
So its degenerated into stupid name calling and picture posting eh.

Well then fuck you stupid head!!!!!
Huh what do you got to say to that??

Stupid name calling and picture posting is the whole purpose of this forum!!!!
