Better?Rephrase that PEB.
You're smarter than that post sounded. Lol
I find it funny that the "Young Turks", who are suppose to be such glorious liberal people , start the segment by mocking the way Snoop Dogg speaks, and then go onto twist his words into a point suiting their own agenda that he's not actually angry at these shows, he's just angry that black people are currently being oppressed by everybody.
I find it funny that the "Young Turks", who are suppose to be such glorious liberal people , start the segment by mocking the way Snoop Dogg speaks, and then go onto twist his words into a point suiting their own agenda that he's not actually angry at these shows, he's just angry that black people are currently being oppressed by everybody.
You watch the video?
"I'm sick of this. ... How the (expletive) they gonna put Roots on Memorial Day?" a subdued Snoop Dogg asks in the selfie video. "They just going to keep beating that (expletive) into our heads as to how they did us, huh?"
"I don't understand America. They just want to keep showing the abuse that we took hundreds and hundreds of years ago. But guess what? We're taking the same abuse," he says. "Think about that part. When you all going to make a (expletive) series about the success that black folks is having. The only success we have is Roots and 12 Years A Slave?"
Protip: He might be speaking to black people, but he's talking about people like you.
How the hell is he talking about people like me? I don't even live on the same continent. I'm pretty sure he is talking about the bullshit agenda that portrays black people as constant victims.
I'm sure he would much rather watch a story about Jack Johnson kicking ass, instead of some random, unnamed slave getting his ass kicked.
And who makes those movies? Who runs the network? Who could "they" possibly be referring to when he says "they want to keep going over how they did us"?
Protip 2: Snoop is literally not saying what you think he's saying. He'd probably slap the shit out of you for twisting his words too.
Oh, and just so you don't think I didn't see it, "people like you" refers to shitty right wingers who will parade out any black guy they think will allow them to browbeat other black people, even if they are literally saying the opposite.
How did I twist his words? I'm pretty sure his major point is that the people who makes these movies or TV serieses, should create more empowering stories instead of demeaning ones. That's all there is to it.
Oh, you didn't say this?
"I find it funny that the "Young Turks", who are suppose to be such glorious liberal people , start the segment by mocking the way Snoop Dogg speaks, and then go onto twist his words into a point suiting their own agenda that he's not actually angry at these shows, he's just angry that black people are currently being oppressed by everybody."
So Snoop didn't say in the video that we're still going through it? A video where he literally calls for more spotlight on the successes and plights of modern day black people and you think that this has literally anything to do with a "victimization agenda"?
Hoo boy, talk about being obtuse.
Of course it has to do with victimization agenda. That is the victimization agenda. You cannot show the successes, only the plights. You need to make people feel like they've only been beaten down, that they've never picked themselves up from the canvas and fought for their rights. Even the other black man said as much.
I never claimed that he didn't say they are still going through it. Everybody is going through something, one way or the other. I just said that the Young Turks twisted his words to fit their own agenda. They quickly glossed over the fact that he is not a fan of Roots, a show both hosts were obviously a fan of, mocking him and making jokes about the way he spoke, then they focused on how black people are still victims and how people need to constantly acknowledge that they are victims.
My ancestors were indentured servants for the Russian Empire, working themselves to death on the fields. We fought them, my grand-grandfather exploded to pieces fighting them. I generally don't think it would be very uplifting if I constantly heard about how my ancestors were beaten down by the Russians. That's now how you move on, you move on by acknowledging that shit went down back in the day, and that it's done with. Of course there are movies portraying the abuse, but there are also plenty of movies showing the uplifting moments and the heroes of the era.