Snickers With Almonds



Yes, I'm aware that it's packed with sugar and the like, but how would something like this do in a pinch? As in, I'm busy as hell, and I don't have time to stop for a nutritious bite to eat.

I mean, it's got almonds, and some proteins, and it's not that high in calories...

What do you say, gents?
pretty shitty with its high fat, sugar and calories. If you want to stick to bars how about some energy, protein, nutra or even granola bars.
I say protein bars or invest in a food dehydrator and make your own jerky. You can make enough for a month easy cheesy.
Some food is pretty much always better than no food, but seriously, man, you don't live in Ethiopia.
Don't eat that shit for a quickie meal and don't eat protein bars unless you like eating collagen (ground up body parts, etc.). Take a protein shake or milk and fruit instead.
King Kabuki said:
I say protein bars or invest in a food dehydrator and make your own jerky. You can make enough for a month easy cheesy.

My wife makes my jerky using a regular oven. It takes longer than a dehydrator, but it's works fine and it's a lot cheaper than buying pre-packaged jerky.
well, i know its full of sugar and of course there are much better alternatives, but what i want to know is how you feel about eating one every now and then after a workout or something for a quick energy source?
It's not going to kill you, which you already know, but it is a pretty shitty way to do it. Sounds to me like you are looking for the go ahead. Not many people here are going to give you that.