sluggish gull bladder

Amy Robinson

Amateur Fighter
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I just had a nuclear scan done and they found out I have a sluggish gull bladder, which makes me really suseptible to gull stones and gull blader diesease, and I know its a long shot, but I was wondering if anybody knew of any certain foods or herbal supplements or anything, that could help improve my the health of my gull-bladder?
Artichoke is highly recommended for gall health, as is Chamomile, Fennel Seed, Ginger, and especially Milk Thistle. The Milk Thistle might be a really good investment as it cleans the fat off the liver, making it easier to process and work in conjunction with the gall bladder. I don't wanna get gross on ya but you have to make sure you stay regular.

Acidophilus is another good thing. Not only for general immune-system health and digestive health, but it kills a lot of bacteria that could affect pretty much anything in your processing systems for digestion of food and excretion of waste. Nature's Way makes the Primadophilus Ultra, a bit pricey but the best I've seen in terms of numbers of live cultures. You can also eat plenty low-fat yogurt (make sure it says it has live cultures on the container), fiber, and highly anti-oxidant fruit.

Be careful of foods that are high in fats that don't get processed well because when stored in the gall bladder as bile they can become cystic, and that's how gallstones are formed. Pau D'Arco is a pretty good herb in terms of breaking up cysts if there's ever a problem with that, the formation of small ones.
ok I'll have to be sure to try all that stuff out, thanx for the info. btw- you should become a pharmacist or something.
King Kabuki said:
Artichoke is highly recommended for gall health, as is Chamomile, Fennel Seed, Ginger, and especially Milk Thistle. The Milk Thistle might be a really good investment as it cleans the fat off the liver, making it easier to process and work in conjunction with the gall bladder. I don't wanna get gross on ya but you have to make sure you stay regular.

Acidophilus is another good thing. Not only for general immune-system health and digestive health, but it kills a lot of bacteria that could affect pretty much anything in your processing systems for digestion of food and excretion of waste. Nature's Way makes the Primadophilus Ultra, a bit pricey but the best I've seen in terms of numbers of live cultures. You can also eat plenty low-fat yogurt (make sure it says it has live cultures on the container), fiber, and highly anti-oxidant fruit.

Be careful of foods that are high in fats that don't get processed well because when stored in the gall bladder as bile they can become cystic, and that's how gallstones are formed. Pau D'Arco is a pretty good herb in terms of breaking up cysts if there's ever a problem with that, the formation of small ones.

dang!.. u know ur shit!.. i was just about to suggest artichoke.. however, herbs only work short term.. so it's good to cycle them! :wink:

also, the best pro-biotic supplements are Garden of Life's Primal Defense and The Vitamin Shoppe's Probiotic '10'... and remember to keep them refrigerated!

u need a balance of bacteria (mainly acidophilus and bifidus).. taking too much acidophilus will mess up the ph balance in ur intestines.. :D
Amy, also be sure and avoid too much sugary foods, the sugar can also bond to fat cells in the gall bladder and lead to development of stones.

btw- you should become a pharmacist or something.

Nah, I have NO desire to work for PhRMA. We're too heavily-medicated a country as it is. But I do think it's important to have equal parts healing and harming when it comes to the knowledge of a fighter. I mean we plan to use our bodies as a primary source of income. Being healthy is a top priority. But if I ever teach again, all this knowledge will pass to my students as I intend to turn out DANGEROUS mofo's.
the sugar will probably be the hardest part, as I have a huge sweet-tooth.
So do I. Use things like flavored oatmeal and oatmeal cookies. Peppermint is actually good for the gallbladder, and you can actually get those non-sugar chocolates that have the sugar alcohols. Funny thing about them is if you eat enough of them they have a laxative affect so they can help with the staying regular things.
Not to hijack the thread but what are good foods to keep my regular? Also king kabuki please reply to my pm.
Keeping regular - Fiber. Also good fats will help.