Sirius Ultra Lite or Padilla & Sons Gold?


White Belt
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Hi again

Having been unsuccessful with my previous gi purchase, I've now decided to buy an A2 sized gi and have narrowed the field down to the Sirius Ultra Lite and the P&S Gold Weave.

I have heard very good things about both these gis, but what I am most interested in is which of the two has a tighter fitting jacket? My reasoning is that I am at the very bottom of the A2 size for both gis and so I want to buy the one which will end up fitting best (once shrinkage has occurred).

Any thoughts?
it seems like that the sirius is a real jiu jitsu cut where as the padilla & sons one is sort of in between a jiu jitus and judo gi. why not a fuji?
it seems like that the sirius is a real jiu jitsu cut where as the padilla & sons one is sort of in between a jiu jitus and judo gi. why not a fuji?

I haven't heard much about the Fuji... looks good and the price is right (about $70), but I think it's a single weave? If anyone knows how it compares with the Sirius/P&S gold weaves I'd be interested to hear.
i've got both. The matter is... its depends which color you want. If you want a padilla in white its narrow, in blue its wide.

Go with sirius. Out of the box its a little bit big, BUT after you wash it (60
I have the Sirius, and I reviewed it here. The gi will shrink if you dry it. I shrunk my jacket initially and now have the fit I want. It has not shrunk since when I wash it in cold water and hang it dry.

My training partners have commented positively on the snugness of the fit. It's tough to get any of the lapel-out controls (shoulder wrap, "ninja" chokes, etc.) on me when I am wearing this gi. Plus the pants are fricking amazing. Get the Sirius.
it seems like that the sirius is a real jiu jitsu cut where as the padilla & sons one is sort of in between a jiu jitus and judo gi. why not a fuji?

What is the diference ins cuts between a Judo and Jiu Jitsu gi?
Fuji is a sick GI. I have the single weave and believe me its well worth the money (don't worry about the fact its a single weave).

Ive also been thinking about getting a siruis ultra lite for this summer.
I like my padilla gold. It will shrink alot if you want it to. someone posted a thread a few months ago and had before and after pics of how much he shrunk it down. Plus they keep the logos down so you dont look like a freakin billboard
Oh yeah Joe at Padilla is a great guy and can help you select the right GI for you. They have great customer service.