Looks pretty terrible. If you're in side control bottom you're already out of position. In order to do these sweeps you have to take yourself even more out of position. These require you to remove your frames which means you can't keep his weight off you and he can access your chest. It also gives him both of your arms allowing him to attack the farside armbars, kimuras, etc and with the near arm he can trap it under his knee or switch to kesa gatame or mount.
I'm not saying this would never work, but it's certainly just a trick move. I also imagine it would stop working all together when facing a good opponent. You'd be better off developing fundemental postures and movements in that position. In general I question the potency of any technique that starts from the bottom mount, side mount, KOB, or on the back and ends with you in one of those positions on top.
Also note the partner on top is using a pretty shitty side control top posture. His knees are on the floor meaning his weight isn't on his partner, he's not shifting to react to his partners movement, and he has an over under control but isn't using cross face pressure to turn his partners head away. He's also too diagonal considering he hasn't used a checkpoint to kill his partners hips.