Sick Nate vs Conor II Promo


Black Belt
Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2007
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Great promo! The only thing I would have liked on it is the moment of panic wrestling that Conor McG initiated.
pretty cool video that was a nice recap of the first fight, but nothing about that makes me want to see a second fight
I never liked Diaz and now I kinda do. Thinking if I ever said that to Nate his retort would be "I'm not surprised mutherfuc***""
Yt version easier to download

Excellent .. better than anything the UFC does imo
Enjoyed it.

Thanks for posting, friend.
Nothing is getting me too hyped up for the rematch. I'll watch of course, because I like both fighters. But its shit match making
Honestly that is the best promo i've seen about that fight, or the first fight if that matters.

I really appreciatte you not making two thirds of the promo about Conor
Honestly that is the best promo i've seen about that fight, or the first fight if that matters.

I really appreciatte you not making two thirds of the promo about Conor

It's not mine buddy
That Blood Sports user always makes great promos. I wonder where he gets his music.

ETA: Oh wait, nevermind it isn't Blood Sports