Should UFC invest in E-Sports?

D 1 Wrestler

Steel Belt
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Ninja would sell more PPV's than the whole UFC roster put together.
And most of those people watching have no money, I would imagine
A popular player recently streamed playing Fortnite to 667,000 people. That's more than triple a mighty mouse ppv and it's a younger demo. Do you think UFC or Zuffa would be smart in expanding into E-Sports like they are trying to do with boxing?

You can't compare PPV numbers to free Twitch streaming. What would be the point? Would you care that UFC invests in Esports? Would it make you watch more MMA fights? If not, there really isn't a reason.

This is MMA, not LoL or Smite or Dota2 or CS:Go.
You can't compare PPV numbers to free Twitch streaming. What would be the point? Would you care that UFC invests in Esports? Would it make you watch more MMA fights? If not, there really isn't a reason.

This is MMA, not LoL or Smite or Dota2 or CS:Go.
I was thinking the same thing.
They promote gears of war every now and then. thats good enough for me.
Future champ...

Ya why not? Fight pass could have all the combat style games.
Watch somebody play a game... it's like watching vlogs. Fuck that.
Everyone that watches e-sports should be embarrassed.
E-sports is popular because of children and manchildren