Should I wear a cup for judo?


White Belt
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
I could see how an uchi mata or a tomo nagae could lead to an inadvertent nut shot. There's probably a lot of other throws that could lead to that as well. What do you guys think? Is the cup more meddlesome than it is helpful? Because when someone goes for a hip technique, their hips might press down on my cup, but I guess that's better than a heel to the nuts.
There is only one path to nuts of steel. You must forge them in the flames of pain. Mold them in the girdle of freedom.
I don't know of anyone who does, but it probably isn't a bad idea.
Never worn a cup to judo before in my life.

I've heard of people occasionally getting kicked with an uchi mata but I don't really know what you expect with it being a combat sport and all.

Stop being a pussy imo.
That scrotal pain you feel is merely weakness leaving the body.
they're banned in competition because a proper Judoka has balls of steel.

stop being such a pussy.
There is only one path to nuts of steel. You must forge them in the flames of pain. Mold them in the girdle of freedom.

Lol... This.

And worst injury I've ever heard about was a kid who wore a cup. The cup slipped out of position while doing randori and an inadvertent uchi-mata made for ultimate pain. Apparently the cup edge must have been resting right on the testicle... kid had to get surgery and lost the nut.
It's a tough decision for me. I wore a cup for BJJ for a few months, but found it more uncomfortable than helpful. For example doing a triangle choke or an armbar with a cup on is kind of uncomfortable. But I think in Judo, there are few moves that require any contact with the groin, so maybe a cup in Judo wouldn't be as uncomfortable? I'm not sure, I'm a beginner in Judo, what do you guys think?

Also I assume that any inadvertent nut shots shouldn't be TOO bad, it's not Muay Thai after all. I feel like in Judo, people don't whip their legs/feet that hard, so any inadvertent nut shot shouldnt be too bad. But I could be wrong as well.

And I have experiences where my cup got out of place and caused discomfort.
"discomfort"? "uncomfortable"?

Your use of those words suggest that there is still much weakness in your body. Leave the "uncomfortable" cup at home.