Should i start training MMA or maybe another sport?


Jul 12, 2016
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I hate my fucking job and i see all these athletes that make so much money and it drives me crazy because i am 6'1 and super athletic but i just didn't try sports when i was younger. I just didn't care. I am 30 but full of energy. I can train all fucking day.

Should i start MMA and become a champion after 2-3 years or become a sprinter, basketball player etc(name another sport to start). I watched Kevin Durant's training the other day. He wakes up , he lifts some weights, he eats, he shoots the ball for 2 hours, then he eats again and play basketball again for 2 hours. That's easy. Try working for 10-12 hours Kevin Durant at my shitty job.
Should train for a more lucrative sport, like golf.
Lol at training for mma. Might as well train to become a hobo. Same thing.
You obviously should since you have it all planned out.
Go and play any sports, kickbox , box, grapple a wrestler or bjj guys at a competitive level and then come back and let us know what you think your chances are. :rolleyes:
I think you should start throwing 95 mph fastballs and becoming a MLB pitcher! Those guys is ballinnnnnn'!
Roid hard and become a instagram boy.
Are you not already a fighter of some sort? Your username indicates that you are.
Rugby League or Union for you, pal. Within a few weeks you'll be good enough to make your national team.
You should do like Bo Jackson or Deion Sanders, play two or three sports that way you are always collecting a paycheck and you'll get all those juicy endorsements. You should also race cars, I mean what the hell it's just turning left really fast, ammi right?????
Might as well try combat sport considering you already have the brain damage.
Walk the righteous path and lift heavy weight for the sake of lifting heavy weight.
You're super athletic, but didn't try sports when you were younger? Wat?

Not sure if trolling, but if not, a fighter's life isn't all thats cracked up to be.
You're in the wrong business if you look at fighting as a way to make money. Traditionally it was for guys who have had no prospects (no education, no trade skill, min wage worker) and were borderline criminals.

Fighting's the fun part, its the training, dieting, daily grind thats the tough part. You have to really love all aspects of that to make it a career.

Even then, its sponsorships that's the bulk of your income.

I know pros who have to work a day job because fighter's pay is shit. $300 if they show, $700 if they win. Travel expenses not covered. And these are decent fighters as well, its about who you know to help get your name out.
At the earlier stages, you'll be competing in smaller shows/events, and you'll run into more shady and lucrative shit from greedy and slimy promoters as well.
You're too old to begin MMA training IMO. By the time you get all the basics of the different disciplines down you'll probably be 33+, and will only be realistically competing at an amateur level. Stick it out for a few fights, and you'll probably be 35+ by the time you go pro.
Your athletic prowess would be wasted on a regular 9 to 5.
You should start swimming competitively, then swim across the Atlantic, like a boss.
not another bro that thinks he can be a cage fighter.... nobody cares if you're 6'1 and athletic. You would get put in a pretzel by the 135 pound girl in my Jiu Jitsu Class....
Russian Roulette is a fairly lucrative sport!
starting at 30? your chances are very small.