Should I move across the country?


I'll Be Back Belt
Dec 15, 2009
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It's been a dream of mine for over a decade to move out west. Specifically Portland, OR.

I've been visiting out there for over a decade (my BFF from HS moved out there around 2005) and have felt like it's where I belonged ever since my first visit. Life circumstances have made it basically impossible until just recently, where things really seem to be falling into place, reassuring me that it's the right decision.

I'd be giving up an awesome house (walking away with almost nothing) the best job I ever had, the best girl I ever had (regardless of the problems we've had), leaving my parents and one of my brothers who live within an hour's drive, and a bunch of friends, some of whom I've had for the vast majority of my life.

Without getting too into details, every time I've been to that part of the country, it just feels like it's the most conducive to the kind of life I want, and I've been in need of a fresh start for a while now. I've been through a decent portion of the country and the only other area I've ever felt a similar draw to was Denver (and to a lesser extent, the fishtown neighborhood in philly) to give anyone who's been to either of those cities an idea of the vibe I'm drawn to.

What it keeps coming down to for me, is I think about it as if I were on my death bed looking back at my life. And I feel like if I die never having given it a shot I'll regret it.

Sounds like my decision should be obvious, which is how I'm currently looking at it (found a buyer for my house that would be by far best case scenario, have job prospects and potential places to live in OR already) but I'm still giving up a lot, there's so much shit involved in the whole process, and tbh part of me is afraid of the unknown, even though I've been in shitty situations enough to be fully confident in my ability to figure things out and make it work.

Play devil's advocate sherbros. I'm already pretty much past the point of no return, but am I missing anything here?

CLIFFS: I'm planning on moving across the country and have been pretty convinced this was the right thing to do for a long time, but there are a few things holding me back and I want to be as sure as possible.
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Do it while you can. Soon something will come up in your life that will tie you to where you are now. Go or risk regretting that you missed your chance.
Do it while you can. Soon something will come up in your life that will tie you to where you are now. Go or risk regretting that you missed your chance.

I hear ya. The thing is, I couldn't really be any more tied down than I am now unless I had kids. (thank God I don't)

This will sound stupid to non-dog owners, but aside from the stuff I already mentioned, I might be more worried about my pup than myself. He's 11 now and is starting to have a hard time with certain things and has lived here with me in the woods since he was 8 months old. He wouldn't have near the kind of space to roam around as he does now, since I won't really be in a financial position to buy something similar to what I have now.
Anyone living in stupid city should seriously consider a move.
Do it. Got a call from a friend in NY back in 2004. Said he was moving to Virginia, did I want to go? Working a go nowhere job at the time...said oh yeah...was living in Texas at the it was a blast..hadn't seen him in everything...go for won't look back.
Anyone living in stupid city should seriously consider a move.

lol good point. (my location, "a stupid city" is just north of Allentown, PA, for those interested) It's kind of a long story how I ended up here (I grew up in NJ) but that's beside the point.

Seriously though, not only do I feel like that area (pacific NW) is the right place for me to be, I feel like where I'm at now is definitely the wrong place. It feels like everyone around here is just content being miserable and mediocre and just barely making it through the day. You could say it's just the people I associate with, but I've made a conscious effort to seek people out who wanted more out of life than making it through the work week and drinking (or other distractions) away the weekends, repeat ad nauseam until they die, but it seems like anyone that wanted more than that already moved somewhere else.
lol good point. (my location, "a stupid city" is just north of Allentown, PA, for those interested) It's kind of a long story how I ended up here (I grew up in NJ) but that's beside the point.

As someone who spent way too much time living in Lancaster, do yourself a favor and move. Life has handed you a no-brainer. Take the plunge.


I've thought about moving to Portland for the past 5 year but been too chicken shit to take the plunge...
Portland bores me to tears but the surrounding area is amazing. Be a great place to work.
No. Realistically speaking, life is tough and it wont work out the way you hope it will. You have a nice house, a good job, a woman, friends and family and you want to throw all of it away?! Sounds like a huge mistake man, don't do it.
What will your girlfriend's reaction be? Will she be tempted to move with you, or will this be the end? Or, do you want the break up and fresh start in Portland?
I lived in Portland. Move to Seattle instead.
I'd be giving up an awesome house (walking away with almost nothing) the best job I ever had, the best girl I ever had (regardless of the problems we've had), leaving my parents and one of my brothers who live within an hour's drive, and a bunch of friends, some of whom I've had for the vast majority of my life.

That's a lot to lose. Kind of sounds like everything.

What are you running from?

Or did you to imprint your friendship on this faraway place, over a decade ago, and equate it with happiness now.
I don’t know about Oregon. People have a hard time pumping their own gas out there. Seriously it would be a huge risk but as the saying goes “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Give it a try if that is what you want to do. It might be a bast.

It would be a good idea to have a solid backup plan incase the move doesn't workout as planned. I've known a couple families that did similar, moved to a location across the nation that was supposed to be better, only to find out the new boss was awful and lied. One family barely made it but from what I hear after a few ruff years scrapping by, life has gotten better with a new job.
You should move somewhere the weather is decent.

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