Should calf kicks become an illegal strike?

It's the same argument as oblique kicks
I like em.

It is fascinating watching how quickly they can take away a guy’s mobility. theoretically this SHOULD lead to increased urgency to go for finishes, like we saw in Chandler vs Hooker.

And if people get finished by calf kicks...
cool. Most of the time they will become immobilized and then get TKOed.
I’d prefer that over a decision.

Remember when Pat Barry burst on the scene and he was finishing guys in the first round with leg kicks? That was awesome.

“If a man can’t stand, he can’t fight.”
- Terry Silver
Why are they effective in mma but not other striking arts?

its like telling someone to "learn to defend strikes to the back of the head by never being on your stomach"..... all it takes is 1 calf kick if it hits the nerve and u seen fights like Omalley and Conor, and Holloway, and other fighters simply lose because of a nerve damage something they cant really control

Yes yes, Conor got KO'ed i can already feel the trolls turning red, im just saying calf kicks are becoming an epidemic that really has no counter

Unexpected take from a guy with a Bruce Lee av.
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Seeing that no one (except the gyno) can counter them, I wonder why no one would spam oblique kicks like Jones and Whittaker? They're more devastating and can compromise their movement quick.
Ban everything that isn't just punching and kicking each other in the face.
This has to be one of the dumbest threads in MMA. Remind me of the time people want kick to the knee to be banned because their favourite fighters could not defend it?

This is not esport, human can learn to defend new techniques
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No, you have to let the sport evolve. Soon people will be defending and countering them efficiently. It's survival of the fittest, the best will find a way to avoid them.

Also, do you really want to stop the action and give a warning/deduct a point every time someone throw a low kick and accidentally hits the calf instead of the thigh?
I'm surprised how effective they've been lately
What if everyone learns to calf kick? Then what? Jesus fucking Christ people
Ban wrestling or any kind of grappling as well so Conor can be champ again.
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lmao @ the hysteria




Keyboard warriors who have never even trained a day in their lives scolding pro fighters "Why don't they just check em eh?". Yeah it's so easy. Just check them and it's over with.