What a fatuous thing to say. Yes I realize this, is there an issue with me pushing back on your ideas?
And paradoxically you'd want to expand the nature of illegal speech so as to leave Christian churches that are now protected vulnerable and yet I doubt this is your intention. Its a perfect illustration of why you don't give up liberty the minute you pay for it.
As far as Christian on Muslim violence, I never implied anything to the contrary. You keep pretending to know what it is I think and believe. You're contently projecting things onto me because to you the other is something easily understood and defined by you without nuance.I've talked about this ad nausaem in other threads but you're hardly capable of doing anything but spew talking points. But if you're really curious for an example of this then here's one
The violence there goes both ways as militias representing each side went at each other. But this is a majority Christian nation that descended into sectarian chaos. Now you can rightly point not to the religion here but the colonial legacy that has left many of these African countries dysfunctional. But somehow that same argument is hardly accepted for Muslim countries nowadays.
Full disclosure, there is of course something unique about Islam in general but also at this point in time. There are no major Christian institutions nowadays bankrolling Christian militias the way certain wealthy Muslim countries finance Islamist rebels and they can get away with this because they have made themselves indispensable cogs within the global economy. But they're taking advantage of a similar situation.
I'll leave it at that because most of what I say is lost on you.
I have friends in Orlando and I live in South Florida, this is not that distant from me.
No its not, you're constantly questioning my motivations despite whatever it is I say and I've never done the same to you. You view any Muslim with an air of suspicion, even if they've renounced their belief.
Lol at trash like you telling me to man up. Maybe you should man up and accept the price of living in a free society instead of begging for a nanny/police state to turn the country into a safe space.
This is reality princess and sometimes its ugly but here in the US its better than most of the world.
If your beef is with violence how come you want to expand what is considered criminal speech? Equating speech with violence, you're starting to sound like a SJW.