Short Vid: Bag-work...Critique me


Purple Belt
Mar 26, 2005
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Heres a short vid of me doing some boxing work on the heavy bag. I know theres alot to learn and alot more to come being only a little over month since i decided to do train. I know i need to move more, and i dint at all b/c camera angle etc. I also am stuck on the left-right combo. Its the first thing that comes to mind. Enjoy. Click or Save as
Here's a bit of a that with the camera pointing more to your right. I could only see from your elbows to your gloves with the occasional view of your movement when you did upper-cuts. Frame your shot before you tape, make sure you can be seen, at least from the knees up if you want full feedback. If you can get your entire body that would be better.
Heres another. The problem was i moved my bag over for room for my 100lb(i need) one im getting next week so it was harder to get a angle. This one is alot better though. Better one
Q: Are you throwing your right hand as a straight or an overhand?

You leave your face wide open many times after that right. Keep your jaw down and clenched, and if you are only boxing then tuck it into a shoulder and dont stand so squarely.
Yeah that's much better. Okay, here's some pointers. You got quick hands and decent pop, but those are things that are genetic. You could tighten up your form a whole lot and have blinding speed and accuracy, but to where it's meaningful and you don't get countered into oblivion.

When you throw the 1-2 combination on your cross your elbow is WAY high. Practice throwing the punch slowly and imagine your opponent feints to that side and counters you to the body, you're WIDE open for that. Plus you telegraph the uppercut ending to your combinatons. When you throw your hands out there you don't return to stance, rather you bring your hand all the way down to your waist and then throw the uppercut, and a good enough counter-puncher could tag you in there because your face is un-guarded. You have very little defensive movement but then again I don't know what specifically you were working on. What I would do is this:

Keep the tape of this routine for yourself.

Try the routine I posted in this forum in the thread entitled "Heavybag 101".

Watch both tapes and see if you notice a huge difference after working on the things I named in that thread.
And a quick nother about the right, it looks like you could seriously injure your wrist when you come down on it like like (Kabuki pointed out the elbow is too high, this is why. Listen to Kabuki, and read Heavybag Rounds 101: BOXING
tokian said:
Q: Are you throwing your right hand as a straight or an overhand?

You leave your face wide open many times after that right. Keep your jaw down and clenched, and if you are only boxing then tuck it into a shoulder and dont stand so squarely.

Yeah, that right confuses me sometimes too. Usually it looks like a cross, but sometimes you bring that elbow so high (like Kabuki said) it looks like a Keith Hackney palm strike. If you watch seconds 8.0-9.5 of the video, you'll see what I mean. You fire two off where you almost extend and retract in a wheel motion- with your strike coming down from too high above your shoulder and then dropping, palm down, almost to your waist on the return.

BTW, you have good hand speed. You're still tense, but better than when I started. Be precise, though, especially early. You'll pay for fast but sloppy bagwork later (that's what I've been told).
Hmm... jus wondering, when your throwing your right, is it suppose to be a straight or a cross?
King Kabuki said:
Try the routine I posted in this forum in the thread entitled "Heavybag 101".
Watch both tapes and see if you notice a huge difference after working on the things I named in that thread.

I just read that routine, sounds really good. I'll be trying it once my finger gets better.
to be completely honest on the right hand...I try to throw a straight and a cross...sometimes they get combined and makes a mix, sometimes i pull it off. Im still young in the sport and have my hockey fighting for all the pointers, ill look into boxing 101 tomorrow(4;17 AM now). Thanks guys.
You have very quick hands, but you need to work on keeping your hand up. If anyone sides steps one of your punches and counters you are going to be wide open. An excersice I like to work on is: take a towel, put it around you neck, and grab each side with a hand. Just work on pivoting your hips. This will help you keep your hands up and also help you work on your hip movement for more powerful strikes with more momentum behind them. Work on the bag slow on concentrate on keeping your hands up near your face while you are striking and imagine someone trying to counter every punch you throw. But other than that you look really good for being new man, great job.
Like has been stated, good pop and speed, but try to keep your hands up more, bring your jab back high and flick it out there, straighter punches always are better so try to work on them as well.
Thanks guys. I was actually expecting to get flamed. Im still very sloppy and am def. workin on my right which you guys obv. pointed out. I will def. start doing the boxing 101 when i get my new HB. Again, you guys after reading all this has been a def. boost on proceeding. Depending on my hockey schedule i should start muay thai and submission grappling sometime this fall/winter and get prof. guidance other then "vitor belforts boxing techniques" and Bas' videos. I roll couple times a week with some school wrestlers. They arent BJJ guys but they def. help with my sprawl etc. and i love gettin them into some sloppy arm-bars or triangles. I will post again sometime in the future with another video and see what you guys think. Thanks.
Be sure to do that, I want to see how you are progressing buddy.
You need to learn how to get your body behind your punches. You seem to be muscling all your punches and that seems to be making them more of a push than an explosive impact.

Keep your elbows in! With your arms coming up that high when you throw punches you're liable to either get kicked or punched to the body. If you focus on keeping your elbows in tight your punches will also be a lot straighter.

You're new so this will all come with time. You've got good speed, but only for a minute. Keep doing rounds on the bag and as your cardio improves you'll be able to go faster longer.
Yea, i def. tire out after a couple good combos. Im goin to start boxing 101 tomorrow and we'll see how it goes.
Let me know how you like it. If you think you tired

I'm about to update that thread and add a round of something I been doing.
Just to add to what these guys said, it looks to me like you are a little tight overall and winding up on your punches a little too much. Relax a little more. Loosen your shoulders up, bring your elbows close to your sides, and let your chin drop down closer to your hands. This will also help you keep your hands up. Don't worry too much about your power, focus on technique - turning your hips and shoulders all the way through your punches and bringing them back your your chin as quickly as you throw them out. Also make sure your elbows aren't sticking out when you throw. Keep them in tight and let your hips and shoulders do the work. You look good, just some pointers I've had people give me over the years.
here's a tip, try keeping a little more distance between you in the bag, your crowding your punches a little bit....also, keep your elbow down with you throw that right hand, its too high....and third, your letting your hands drop after you throw comos and right hands, whip them back to the same spot from which you launched the punch...your looking good for someone with little experience....