Shooting in on the wrong side in the double leg

Grey Kid

Orange Belt
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hey gents,

Just a question on shooting in with the double leg.

I've wrestled for about 1 year now, and have always stood in an orthodox mma/muay thai stance, with right leg back left leg forward. When I shoot in for a double leg, I penetrate with my left lead leg, but put on head over onto my left side (opponent's right side).

I then scoop with my arms and drive with my head and torso.

Lately, I've noticed more and more that other wrestlers/mma fighters who fight from an orthodox stance, tend to place their head on their right side (opponent's left) when going for the double leg.

I tried this for a few weeks but couldn't get the hang of it. I find that when I place on my head against my opponent's left, I don't get the driving motion as easily as what I'm used to.

So my question is this - should I try to change what I am used to? Is it a bad habit, and if so, why?
you should be in more of a square stance is the best advice i can give you. it aint boxing
I should clarify that I goto freestyle wrestling classes specifically for mma, not for pure wrestling.
There are two factors that I think play into this. The first is that most guys wrestled right foot forward and fight left foot forward. They still shoot like they did in pure wrestling. The other thing is guys are shooting for the front leg and then switching to a double rather than a pure double. This is because of the more bladed stance in MMA opens up the front leg to attack. The biggest thing to worry about is to make sure you are doing it right. Look at this picture


This is a nice static picture of a double leg. Notice how the head is on the same side as the upright leg. If your head was on the other side, then you would have it on the wrong side. As long as you do the takedown correctly it doesn't matter which side you attack. If you like to attack the opponents right side, try using it to counter an overhand right.

BTW, square your hips up a bit. Iosephus was right even for MMA.
Hey gents,

Just a question on shooting in with the double leg.

I've wrestled for about 1 year now, and have always stood in an orthodox mma/muay thai stance, with right leg back left leg forward. When I shoot in for a double leg, I penetrate with my left lead leg, but put on head over onto my left side (opponent's right side).

I then scoop with my arms and drive with my head and torso.

Lately, I've noticed more and more that other wrestlers/mma fighters who fight from an orthodox stance, tend to place their head on their right side (opponent's left) when going for the double leg.

I tried this for a few weeks but couldn't get the hang of it. I find that when I place on my head against my opponent's left, I don't get the driving motion as easily as what I'm used to.

So my question is this - should I try to change what I am used to? Is it a bad habit, and if so, why?

Good question which for some weird reason is like never addressed. I'm currently looking into it. Here's what I've picked up :

If you both are standing the same, you step right into a perfect double, between their legs and your head falls right at their ribs on the side they have forward. Perfect. But if you guys are standing different legs forward, you still have to step in between his legs but now have to travel a longer distance to get your head to the correct side of his body UNLESS you take an extra setup step to the outside initially thereby switching your stance at which point you're back at square one with the same stance as op and can proceed with standard double leg. I've seen a lefty do it the first way having to go around to the other side his body to place head correctly to finish, not sure if I've seen anyone d to it with the setup(switch) stance I suggested to the outside but I bet it wouldn't take too much extra to do the double. Just have your lead leg sorta pushing to outside op's lead leg, like in striking then quick long step with rear leg through middle of his legs to finish regular double
The biggest thing to worry about is to make sure you are doing it right. Look at this picture


This is a nice static picture of a double leg. Notice how the head is on the same side as the upright leg. If your head was on the other side, then you would have it on the wrong side. As long as you do the takedown correctly it doesn't matter which side you attack. If you like to attack the opponents right side, try using it to counter an overhand right.

BTW, square your hips up a bit. Iosephus was right even for MMA.
This is literally the worst picture you could show. Everything is wrong. Penetration leg is up instead of down. Trail leg is down instead of up. Trail and penetration legs are on the wrong sides. There is no trail leg post. He is trying to over trip with his penetration leg. His head is down. This dude has no fucking clue what he is doing. This is the lugwrench of double legs
This is literally the worst picture you could show. Everything is wrong. Penetration leg is up instead of down. Trail leg is down instead of up. Trail and penetration legs are on the wrong sides. There is no trail leg post. He is trying to over trip with his penetration leg. His head is down. This dude has no fucking clue what he is doing. This is the lugwrench of double legs

My assumption is that he got into the position shown in the photo by penetrating with his left leg, then stepping up with his right trail leg to do an outside trip.

Jason Layton isn't a fan

On the other hand it was included in the USA syllabus from the early 90s along with some clips of its use.
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This is literally the worst picture you could show. Everything is wrong. Penetration leg is up instead of down. Trail leg is down instead of up. Trail and penetration legs are on the wrong sides. There is no trail leg post. He is trying to over trip with his penetration leg. His head is down. This dude has no fucking clue what he is doing. This is the lugwrench of double legs
lol to be fair.. this was 2008 when this boards highest ranking guy was a purple belt basically
My assumption is that he got into the position shown in the photo by penetrating with his left leg, then stepping up with his right trail leg to do an outside trip.

Jason Layton isn't a fan

On the other hand it was included in the USA syllabus from the early 90s along with some clips of its use.

bjj guys love this since most arnt very explosive with their shots i use to hate it too but some guys do have good success with it in mma tj dillashaw i think has hit it a few times i think chael sonnen did it to rampage? and few other instances i cant think atm i think maia also has done it.

i think it works best against bigger guys 185 and up