Shoop Shoop Dat Horrible Herpes *likely NSFW*

If that’s what’s Garry’s lip looks like, what do Layla’s lip(s) look like??
My wife actually did have some weird sore show up one time on her privates and it was during an active sore for me on my mouth and we got wild one night after drinking. and she went and got tested and flipped the f out on me, the doc even told her they were like 99% sure it was that, so she was imo gonna kill me in my sleep. But after like 3 days her results came back and it was negative and she never had it again. Truly was a weird experience. I was almost positive that I had given it to her through the lip thing. But maybe she can carry it and not have symptoms, idk.
Mouth and genitalia herpes are actually different