Lol if you believe 05 Shogun was juice free. He's been on PEDs before.Hes def gotten the short end of the stick.
Hes def gotten the short end of the stick. At the same time, rematch with Hendo was after TRT was banned. It was Hendos first fight off the stuff and he still won.
- Hendo
- Sonnen
- Gastelum (chronic weed smoker, despicable)
- Wanderlei
- Vitor
- Hendo
- Sonnen
- Gastelum (chronic weed smoker, despicable)
- Wanderlei
- Vitor
Weed isn't a PED and Wand never failed a test for pedsBisping:
- Hendo
- Sonnen
- Gastelum (chronic weed smoker, despicable)
- Wanderlei
- Vitor
Your eye test is as worthless as the paper it's printed on, homie.