shin conditioning

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Dec 6, 2004
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Karate fighters dont codition their hands for breaking bricks by striking pillows or pads! Fighters in southeast asia bang their shins together for fun, like Americans play bloodyknuckles. With this in mind, how is kicking thai pads or a heavy bag going to condition the shins for a collision with another persons? Im not saying kick or beat your shins forcfully against hard objects at first, but to gradually condition them. Someone will kick you, and they will be hurt.
Hmm.... kicking heavy bag's really good enough, I would say, but I trained my shin in traditional way at first. But you know what, once you stop doing that shit, the nerves will come back. And you will have to start all over.... now I just kick heavy bag.

But well, I personally believe shin conditioning will toughen your shin, although it will bring alternative injuries. However, what is important is not conditioning your shin, but kicking with it propery - at right timing, with right power. Cause it will hurt regardless what you do once you collide it with someone else's shin.
Crimson Tiger said:
However, what is important is not conditioning your shin, but kicking with it propery - at right timing, with right power.
Very good point. You can condition your shins all you want, but if you throw sloppy kicks and can't even contact correctly you will still get hurt.
Personally I don't support the idea that kicking the bag or pads are good enough. Reason being is because it's not practical to always train protected to go into un-protected situations. An example is when you train for a bare-knuckle fight, you have to get in some time striking things or even sparring bare-knuckle. Why? Because if you go in with brittle handsNot only might you get your ass kicked, but you stand a greater chance of coming out with a double-negative, a loss and a broken hand.

Though I will say that a lot of the kids up here picture little asian dudes screaming and madely striking their shins with hammers, sticks, rocks, kicking against corners of brick walls, etc. Such is simply not the case. None of the conditioning I've ever done is extreme right away, and it doesn't even have to be. Like anything else there are methods to it, ways to do it that will prevent serious injury.
My thinking is very similar to King Kabuki's. I have probably trained for far less time, but once I began sparring I tried some with no shin pads = world of difference. However, I really enjoyed it and felt that my shins's conditioning drasticly improved. But when I stopped training this way and then at all for a few months my shin conditioning was alsmost gone.

Well now that I'm back in it and my shin conditioning is coming back, and once I reach a decent level of conditioning I plan to start more extreme ways of training.
King Kabuki, could you list some of your methods of conditioning and the progression of them?
When I did do this I used a lot of Dit Da Jow linament, a Shinai, and just did at first 20 strikes per area of the body. I would do forearms (inside and outside), triceps (held in the position like you're going to deflect a hard round-kick), chest, upper-and-lower stomach, ribs (this stung the most), inside thigh, hamstrings, and the shin on both sides, meaning the side where there's a layer of muscle, and also the side where it's mostly bone.

When you condition the bone side your shin will actually take on a sharp quality that will make it SUCK for people even when you check their kicks.
i would not recommend hitting hard surfaces lol unless ur trained and kno what ur doin i kno from my own personal exp lol
Its better then having him register only to create a thread on the same damn thing and then have people bitch and complain about nto using the search function.

So EEG what do you think about whacking your shins with a soft wooden stick? Is that advisable?
So EEG what do you think about whacking your shins with a soft wooden stick? Is that advisable?
As far as I know, the common wisdom is that you should only hit things which are softer than your shin, and only stuff that doesn't create injuries (bruises and pains are OK). Then increase intensity as you improve.
This stick is pretty soft. Like i can bend it quite easily, its more of a whipping feeling then anything else
Well because its really convenient, i dont really have to wet a towel and do that all the time, like this stick is really soft dude, its a pointer that teachers use in class so its not really hard at all

Does the wet towel method really work?
what is the wet towel method? and Kabuki is right about that whole thing where a conditioned bone makes it suck for people kicking you. Cuz my instructors all have shins like that.
I have bamboo. That's what I've been using. Works well. I do more of a tapping motion, just absentmindedly while watching tv or daydreaming. Sometimes I get into it and really thwack hard, but not often. Not often at all.
Why not try the wet towel method?

speaking of which

how is it working for you??

i've been doign it. recently got checked real bad.. have a bone bruise... its been 10 days since... still in inflammation stage of healing... :icon_cry2
i did it a bit and it really did feel like kicking a bag.

EEG Same question as sugarboyae
To both of you -- I cut most of the training after an injury about a month ago, so I can't give you any decent answers. The conditioning itself got easier with time, but I haven't checked any hard kicks or anything similar to be able to judge. Quite frankly, I haven't tried it for long enough either.

For any bone conditioning exercise, I'd give at least 6 months of constant training before passing judgement.

On a related note, came back from the doc today, and had an X-Ray of my ultra-ghetto busted knuckle. The doc was convinced that I had broken a part of the bone. I was convinced it was just the knuckle capsule being busted and inflamed tendons. The X-Ray proved me right and the doc admitted defeat.

WAR TMA knuckle conditioning and proper fist alignment when punching!
I love knuckle conditioning.

i think its a must but thats me. I dont see any reason not to strengthen your mitts
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