SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: Let's pick the Week 105 movie!

Pick the SMC Week 105 Movie!

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It´s a nice peninsula to Asia
Dec 12, 2009
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Here's a quick list of all movies watched by the SMC.


The muntjac speeches man!

In the past 10 weeks, we've only watched two movies that have come before the year 2000, and six of these movies have been from the 2010's, so it's time to dial it back. All the way back to the 60s. Groovy, man. I tried spreading out the genres by having a comedy, a horror flick, but somehow wound up picking two westerns. One is an American film, and the other is as spaghetti as they come.

He's brought out the heavy guns for this one, people.

Here are our candidates!

The Wild Bunch (1969)


Director: Sam Peckinpah

Stars::William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Ryan

Premise: An aging group of outlaws look for one last big score as the "traditional" American West is disappearing around them.

Why the muntjac picked it: If you like watching a group of guys shoot guns, then look no further. Not only is this one full of ultra-violent action, the editing and directing is way ahead of its time. @europe1 was disappointed in the lack of Sam Peckinpah love around here, so I'm here to help alleviate that.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)


Director: George A. Romero

Stars: Duane Jones, Judith O'Dea, Karl Hardman

Premise: There is panic throughout the nation as the dead suddenly come back to life. The film follows a group of characters who barricade themselves in an old farmhouse in an attempt to remain safe from these bloodthirsty, flesh-eating monsters.

Why the muntjac picked it: It's probably no secret that I'm a big fan of this movie. It's one of my favorites ever. This is one of the most influential horror films of all time because it turned the horror industry and all of its conventions on its head during its release. This movie is the reason that the MPAA exists. It broke down barriers for the independent circuit, and blazed the trail for a new wave of aspiring filmmakers working outside of mainstream Hollywood. Everything you know about the modern day zombie is because of this film. Besides all this, it still holds up and stands the test of time. I can't praise this movie enough.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)


Director: Stanley Kramer

Stars: Spencer Tracy, Milton Berle, Ethel Merman

Premise: The dying words of a thief spark a madcap cross-country rush to find some treasure.

Why the muntjac picked it: This is one big goofy movie with a great cast. "Big" is the word because everything is so over the top - the action, the stunts, the characters, the grand scale of shots and scenery. Just an all around fun movie.

Django (1966)


Director: Sergio Corbucci

Stars: Franco Nero, José Canalejas, José Bódalo

Premise: A coffin-dragging gunslinger and a half-breed prostitute become embroiled in a bitter feud between a Klan of Southern racists and a band of Mexican Revolutionaries.

Why the muntjac picked it: This is the violent exploitation version of A Fistful of Dollars. If you feel we haven't had a big enough body count on screen in awhile, this should cover us for a few weeks. Speaking of influential movies, after this came out, more than 30 movies across Europe threw the name Django in the title of their movie just to attract moviegoers even though it had nothing to do with this film. If this movie is to win the poll, I highly suggest watching it in its native Italian with English subtitles.



Members: @shadow_priest_x @europe1 @MusterX @Scott Parker 27 @the muntjac @Cubo de Sangre @sickc0d3r @chickenluver @FrontNakedChoke @AndersonsFoot @Tufts
For this week's Top 10 -- the muntjac wants to do a Top 10 80's Action movies.

Considering this clubs preoccupation... I'm expecting some expert answers from you guys.:cool:

Also sorry if the notifications were all over the place this week (or just didn't arrive... as usual) I've found out that trying to post shit and talking to someone at the same time makes for a clumsy combination.
This is one of those weeks where I immediately voted without even considering the other three choices. Been meaning to watch the movie I went with for a long time now. If the winds of fate blow in my direction, then this week I'll finally get it done.
No particular order.
  • Aliens
  • Predator
  • Commando
  • Missing In Action 2
  • Terminator
  • The Road Warrior
  • Rambo: First Blood Part 2
  • A Better Tomorrow 2
  • Red Dawn
  • The Killer
This is one of those weeks where I immediately voted without even considering the other three choices. Been meaning to watch the movie I went with for a long time now. If the winds of fate blow in my direction, then this week I'll finally get it done.

There's a director's cut of that one that (as I recall) has a couple things that enhance the experience. Haven't seen it since that theatrical run though.
Is it just me or is there no poll to vote?

My user-account doesn't have poll-making privileges. So I have to contact a mod and then do some unspeakable things for them to add one.

We need a TS who doesn't need mommy to make his polls. :(:D

Shadow's mommy gave him his voting-privileges. My mom won't give me mine until I've finished my vegetables which I ain't going to do.

This is one of those weeks where I immediately voted without even considering the other three choices. Been meaning to watch the movie I went with for a long time now. If the winds of fate blow in my direction, then this week I'll finally get it done.

I've seen 3 of these films and all of them I'd rate 9/10 or higher -- so these picks I feel to be some truly excellent choises.

Naturally, I'm going to have to go with the one I haven't seen, though.
Shadow's mommy gave him his voting-privileges. My mom won't give me mine until I've finished my vegetables which I ain't going to do.

Send someone in admin some dick pics or something so maybe they'll give you a free upgrade to Plat.
Well if the voting so far is any indication, then the votes are going to be all over the place for this one.

I'm curious to see what @MusterX goes with.
Damn good picks. I've actually seen all of these before. Mad Mad Mad Mad World rather sticks out like a sore thumb though.
For this week's Top 10 -- the muntjac wants to do a Top 10 80's Action movies.

Considering this clubs preoccupation... I'm expecting some expert answers from you guys.:cool:

I think this depends a lot on if we're considering martial arts movies "action" or a separate genre.

Need to know if Bloodsport counts.
Top 10 80's Action Movies

10. First Blood
9. Die Hard
8. Police Story (One and Two -- I think it has enough action elements in it to qualify)
7. Hell Comes to Frogtown
6. Predator
5. Bullet in the Head
4. The Terminator
3. Aliens
2. RoboCop
1. The Road Warrior

2-4 are basically interchangable when voting off the top of ones head.

In contention: Death Hunt, Escape From New York, Golden Queen Commando, Streets of Fire (if that counts), The Hidden, The Running Man, Leathal Weapon, Dead Heat, They Live (disqualified since I'm counting that one more in the Sci-Fi genre), The Killer, Tango and Cash

Worst... Abraxas?

Send someone in admin some dick pics or something so maybe they'll give you a free upgrade to Plat.

European, dude. I'm guessing most of you yanks have pretty strong preferences when it comes to genital cutting. I'm more likely to get banned because of that.

Well if the voting so far is any indication, then the votes are going to be all over the place for this one.

Clearly a mad ploy from the muntjac's part so to keep us on our toes.

I think this depends a lot on if we're considering martial arts movies "action" or a separate genre.

Yeah I am at least counting martial arts and action as seperate.
I think this depends a lot on if we're considering martial arts movies "action" or a separate genre.

Can't see how martial arts films aren't under the heading of action. Call it a sub-genre, but the core of it is action.
10. First Blood

Considered this one, but to me it's more of a ant-war drama. Really the list of great '80's action is too long to narrow down to 10. Die Hard and Robocop should be on my list. :mad:
Yeah I am at least counting martial arts and action as seperate.

Well IF we're not including martial arts, meaning no Bloodsport or Revenge of the Ninja, then I am at least considering the combined heading of Action/Adventure.

10. Escape from New York
9. Conan
8. The Running Man
7. Predator
6. The Terminator
5. Die Hard
4. Robocop
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Big Trouble in Little China
1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

A couple that I would include if I was sufficiently convinced that they belong in the "action" genre rather than somewhere else:

Top Gun
They Live
chickenluver's top ten 80's action movies.

8 Diagram Pole Fighter
The Terminator
When the Raven Flies
Die Hard
They Live
Henry V (lol)
Can't see how martial arts films aren't under the heading of action. Call it a sub-genre, but the core of it is action.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I've always thought of them as belonging to a distinctly separate category than films like Predator and Die Hard.

The four films I didn't include which, if I did include them, would totally change the list:

Revenge of the Ninja
Top Gun
They Live

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