Shark Week


Jun 12, 2013
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Another year of the same thing with like 2 new programs . Hilarious

You guys still watch this? Air Jaws is still epic
Always thought it meant "period" week:/
There was a new show this year where Russian scientists transplant two additional dog heads onto a golden retriever and then throw it into a tank full of sharks for scientific study.
Look like they got a new one a Tiger Island , see if it's interesting.
I used to love it when they showed actual documentaries and informational shows on the sharks. Two years ago when they started making fictional stories about sharks though it really lost me. If I wanted to watch a corny documentary about a man eating megladon then scyfy has plenty of corny shit to offer.
God dammit so they're still doing fictional shit.
Came on here looking for a thread, hate the fake shit but love everything else
Another year of the same thing with like 2 new programs . Hilarious

You guys still watch this? Air Jaws is still epic

Isn't National Geographic doing something too? Sharfest I think?