Media Shael Sonnen having a meltdown over Masvidal calling him a bitch

Yes lord Chael... because Masvidals a criminal... but you're not???

that’s a beatdown, not a meltdown. “but chael tweeted about him a lot, jorge is living rent free…” no, jorge is getting lit up on social media by someone with a superior verbal ability.
Should have included the meltdown in the thread instead of just showing funny tweets.
Chael playing butthurt in the park

<BronTroll1>his mother clearly didnt raise chael at all.
too much limp bizkit & Pantera ...
BTW wheres chael's father at?... Probably went to get milk....
why should we the tax payers and ppv buyers of the ufc be burden
with fck ups like chael. he needs rehab. I DONT FEEL SAFE him roaming around
Dana needs to do something asap. just last week he threatened to strangle ariel

chael is simply too arrogant and not humble,
he needs an intervention before its too late
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Some of those were pretty good. I can’t stand Chael, but Masvidal is just such a douchebag that I can look past my disdain for him on this one…..
From what I've gathered Sonnen is a good guy as well as Colby when they aren't doing their "schtick." Masvidal jumping Colby like he did showed that Masvidal's ghetto douchey persona was just himself. Chael has seemed a little off the rails lately though to the point of it being hard to tell what exactly this is. That being said juiced Sonnen at his age against Masvidal...It's very possible Chael can beat him.
The irony of calling someone a bitch while talking with Ariel Helwani.. the biggest bitch out there.

Also Chael via lay and pray.
Eh, while honestly Chael nowadays has some pretty shitty behaviour, namely the Ariel meltdown and his general shilling/idiotic-ness on his youtube channel (Which has been going on for ages but has gotten even worse over time), some of these tweets were rather funny. Masvidal deserves everything coming to him, and Chael's whole business is getting views, so tweeting 15 times at Masvidal is both on brand and not really a meltdown.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
From what I've gathered Sonnen is a good guy as well as Colby when they aren't doing their "schtick." Masvidal jumping Colby like he did showed that Masvidal's ghetto douchey persona was just himself. Chael has seemed a little off the rails lately though to the point of it being hard to tell what exactly this is. That being said juiced Sonnen at his age against Masvidal...It's very possible Chael can beat him.

Chael is the exact type of fighter that Masvidal struggles with - high level wrestler with good top position. If Sonnen is still training regularly, he would make it look easy.

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