Sean Shelby on Khabib

sean shelby looks ill has he got something wrong with him hes always pale n nauseas lookin as fuck

That's Khabib in the sleeping bag
sean shelby looks ill has he got something wrong with him hes always pale n nauseas lookin as fuck

Turns out Joe Silva didn't have the best gig in the world after all.

i hope u know who jason vorhees is

Yeah, he's that indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer who would literally murder Conor and Tony but get grounded and pounded into submission by Khabib.
Yeah, he's that indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer who would literally murder Conor and Tony but get grounded and pounded into submission by Khabib.

Khabib traps arms and legs. Jason is practically nothing if he can't hack you with that machete of his.
Khabib traps arms and legs. Jason is practically nothing if he can't hack you with that machete of his.
Except an immortal zombie with super human strength and stamina.