Doesn't look good at all but posting for Gina.
Fucking jooooooke. If you can watch that back, hanna ha, and think it's serious, then you're fucked and Lighthouse Pictures is going down the fucking toilet.
Ill watch it. Maybe even rub one off to Gina in it.
I've long had something of a fascination with Carano as a performer so I will probably check it out.
She is not a good actress but she still has her looks and charisma and that makes her watchable.
Hey @BisexualMMA, it looks like Carano is going to be co-starring in a movie with Richard Dreyfuss. Huh.
That shows how pathetic the female actress selection is in Hollywood. People with fascinated with trash like Jennifer Lawrence and terrible actresses like this skank Carano.
Sounds like a lower budget, less ambitious remake of Haywire.
The movie isn't shitty because of problems with the female casting pool. They hired her because she's a C level name, and she probably got D level pay.
I'd be interested to hear why you call these two actresses skanks and trash, because its not their job performance you are referring to.
Does it show her boobs?
Look, if tyron gets in movies, he's going to have to show dat ass, because girls (and some guys) would like seeing it.
Gina should, respectively, have had them oiled up and let loose by now. I'm going to start assuming she has brownish ovals.. And that's sad. She should have had an epic sex scene by now.