School placement

It's not the autism or tourette's that is the issue, all public schools have specialists for that. Most schools don't have specialists for dyslexia and dysgraphia, which his school doesn't. There literally aren't teachers there qualified to teach him. Also, we try to work at home with him but we aren't specialists either. He already spends 60% of his day out of his classroom with the specialists and is not progressing, at all. We like the specialists at the school that work with him and they really try but it's not going anywhere. We didn't decide the school can't give him what he needs, the neuropsych doctor and his school psychologist recommended it based on him making no progress at the school now in his fifth year there. I don't know if you have kids but it's hard to see your kid really try and get nowhere.
I missed that he already attends that school, so you obviously know all you need to know to make the decision. I was thinking this was a new school, sorry about that. Good luck, I’m sure he’ll do fine with parents willing to do whatever it takes to help him. Unfortunately its not as common these days as it used to be. I do have two boys, 13 and 15, and have seen the kids with involved and attentive parents are the ones to excell. The ones with lazy or absent parents are ALWAYS the ones that struggle with grades and behavior. Your boy won’t have that issue, but it sucks to see them struggle with anything.
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