Saw a White Heron Eating a Baby Duck - Pics and Video Inside (Not graphic)


Steel Belt
Jul 7, 2016
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I've never seen this before. I thought they only ate lizards and small fish:




Pretty interesting, but cold blooded.
They're basically velociraptors with feathers and beaks. They'd eat you too, if they were big enough.
They look like stone cold killers.
By the way, the duck was alive when I first started taking pics, but I think it broke its neck and was soon dead.
At first I read this as "A white heroin addict eats baby duck."....then I started laughing at the idea of the pic being not graphic lol
Birds are evil cunts. I witnessed a crow eating another dead crow the other day.
Birds are evil cunts. I witnessed a crow eating another dead crow the other day.

Crows are pretty smart though... I think they could be smarter than some people. I think they're smarter than flat earthers, for example.
You should've interfered with nature and saved that duckling.
There's YouTube videos of all kinds of animals eating ducklings - birds, fish, mammals.

They're the tastey snacks of the animal kingdom.
It's a Great Egret, they are opportunistic predators and will eat anything they can catch.
Poor duckey. I myself had to save two baby raccoons from my dogs tonight.

Herded them into a garbage can an relocated them a few miles away.
Saw a blue heron eating a few fish at a pond that people like to dump their goldfish in.

Pretty cool. It was cool my kid was able to see it as well.