Saulo and Andre Galvao take home titles...

Green Whale

Green Belt
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Black Belt results from the North American BJJ event today in Redondo.

Saulo won two bouts. First one with rolling reverse omoplata/kimura using his legs. Second match was one on two nice takedowns. He won the 181 and over title.

Andre Galvao was a beast taking home the 181 and under title. He fought Cassio Werneck in the finals and looked impressive in every single match, he was unbelievable. He submitted Joao Cunha in 1 minute with a sick toehold. He tapped Frederrico Sabbatini fairly easily after scoring several points with a choke from the mount. It was very impressive as Sabbatini is a very good black belt who has a sub victory over Cleber from last year. Wander Braga had a bye in round 1 and lost via armlock to Cassio, although for a while it looked like Wander was going to win as he scored some points and had a lead. Both guys did great.
Wow, Saulo and Xande are my trainers and I had no idea they are competing. I guess that is what I get from missing more then a week of class.

I wonder why Xande did not compete?

What weight is Xande usually? The part that was weird was that Saulo fought against Heavier guys and not his the 181 and under class.

You've got some incredible teachers by the way!
I thought he announced his retirement from competition at the Mundials?
He did. He said he would only compete in events that were professional and paid fighters for winning. Mundial isn't a professional event. It's sorta like the Olympics where guys don't get paid (they do get sponsorship money though) but the best in the world go there to compete against each other.
Green Whale said:
He did. He said he would only compete in events that were professional and paid fighters for winning. Mundial isn't a professional event. It's sorta like the Olympics where guys don't get paid (they do get sponsorship money though) but the best in the world go there to compete against each other.

good clarification there, i was wondering the same
Wolverine said:
Wow, Saulo and Xande are my trainers and I had no idea they are competing. I guess that is what I get from missing more then a week of class.

WOW. That's sounds great. How is it to train with those guys. Do they share with you secrets, or is Rorion style???

I have a lot of respect for Saulo, just want your oppinion!
Green Whale said:
He did. He said he would only compete in events that were professional and paid fighters for winning. Mundial isn't a professional event. It's sorta like the Olympics where guys don't get paid (they do get sponsorship money though) but the best in the world go there to compete against each other.

yeah, Saulo, Xande and Rafael Lovato Jr. have been competing togehter quite a bit lately. They are doing Rickson's Budo challenge this week.