Best version of Sakuraba versus Prime GSP, Wonderboy, Hughes, and BJ Penn (since he was WW champ once) in Unified rules and a cage.
Prime Saku was 97-2001. as we all know, the sport evolved a lot between 1997 and 2007.
but let's remember, everyone wanted to see Saku v F Shamrock, and were quite split on who might win. 1999 F Shamrock destroys Hughes and BJ, a lot easier than he beat Tito (which was far from easy, of course).
best Hughes was against Trigg and GSP I - 04ish. best Saku beat a young Newton, a shell of Vitor, and a young Rampage. I'd pick Saku, but barely.
same with BJ Penn.
Prime GSP beats prime Saku. period.
Prime Wonderboy is another 5-10 years after Prime Hughes & BJ. that's 10 years of evolved training past Saku. Wonderboy wins, easy.
@QueenVitor, you're either trying too hard, or you aren't thinking rationally. if you want to debate me point by point, feel free to do so rationally. if all you have is a quippy one liner comeback, save it for your peers.