Sage Northcutt Poppin' Pills

Weird video...
I guess they haven't taught the robot yet to catch it with his mouth.
Yeah? What else is he popping?
Not him. Sherdog.

if sage had his own reality show on fight pass, we would all watch
I've been a part of Sherdog's "Team Sage" from the beginning, I think he's a really nice kid who'll become one hell of fighter. But I must admit, sometimes he makes it really hard for anyone to defend him. Enough with all these shirtless pics already, Jesus.

For fuck's sake, mate, use that 40/40 to buy a shirt.
"I'm a pill popping animal. Syrup. Syrup. Syrup sippin n%###"
Aww, this poor muscular boy doesn't seem to have any shirts.We should donate some.