Ryan Hall, finally, on BJJ Fanatics

BJJ Fanatics is too powerful. The mom and pop instructional shops are having to close up.

Sidebar, wonder if Ryan will tone down the anti-BJJ rhetoric now that he's putting out an instructional a website devoted to fanatics of BJJ. Not that I don't agree (I too am a self-loathing BJJ player), but man, he can really get fixated.
BJJ Fanatics is too powerful. The mom and pop instructional shops are having to close up..
Basically. Digitsu hasn't put anything out in a few years (They almost always had better production values than bjj fantics) and many of the guys eventually moved to bjj fantics. A few of the guys from warrior collective has moved over to bjj fantics/dynamic striking .

Ryan himself was puting out his content on his website but I guess even he was seeing the writing on the wall.

On one hand it's good but a lot of the stuff they put out is a bit sub par production wise.
Basically. Digitsu hasn't put anything out in a few years (They almost always had better production values than bjj fantics) and many of the guys eventually moved to bjj fantics. A few of the guys from warrior collective has moved over to bjj fantics/dynamic striking .

Ryan himself was puting out his content on his website but I guess even he was seeing the writing on the wall.

On one hand it's good but a lot of the stuff they put out is a bit sub par production wise.
And over priced. They do a good job of offering deals but I don't want to pay $300 for jiu-jitsu instructionals even if it is life-changing 8 DVD set is almost always never going to get watched all the way through. I wish there was a video on demand version where I could watch the clips that I want to see verse paying the whole fee.
And over priced. They do a good job of offering deals but I don't want to pay $300 for jiu-jitsu instructionals even if it is life-changing 8 DVD set is almost always never going to get watched all the way through. I wish there was a video on demand version where I could watch the clips that I want to see verse paying the whole fee.
I doubt that selling individual videos makes that much sense for them. Nobody would pay that much for them and at least in my experience it's just a few videos that I am most curious about.
I doubt that selling individual videos makes that much sense for them. Nobody would pay that much for them and at least in my experience it's just a few videos that I am most curious about.
If it's 10 -15 two answer a question about how to stop the knee slice from the purple belt in class.
And over priced. They do a good job of offering deals but I don't want to pay $300 for jiu-jitsu instructionals even if it is life-changing 8 DVD set is almost always never going to get watched all the way through. I wish there was a video on demand version where I could watch the clips that I want to see verse paying the whole fee.
Then just wait for it to be a deal. I bought a $100 guard passing video off bjj fanatics not on sale and it changed my passing. That’s less than a months cost of training, and it also gave me something specific too work at which was a lot of fun. Now a whole danaher set is a lot for sure, but it also is phenomenal content and it’s not like this sport is inexpensive
Then just wait for it to be a deal. I bought a $100 guard passing video off bjj fanatics not on sale and it changed my passing. That’s less than a months cost of training, and it also gave me something specific too work at which was a lot of fun. Now a whole danaher set is a lot for sure, but it also is phenomenal content and it’s not like this sport is inexpensive
How does that sound? Hey the sport is expensive so pay more ?

Competition is good monopolizes are bad. Some brand new sets are 299, great if you want to watch the whole set. But what If you only want to see 1 move? Im all for supporting athletes but I'm not into scalping . Some of these sets are the same price as some privates without the feedback. Give me video on demand and now we are talking.

Raise your hand If you have watched every set you've ever bought from front to back.
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How does that sound? Hey the sport is expensive so pay more ?

Competition is good monopolizes are bad. Some brand new sets are 299, great if you want to watch the whole set. But what If you only want to see 1 move? Im all for supporting athletes but I'm not into scalping . Some of these sets are the same price as some privates without the feedback. Give me video on demand and now we are talking.

Raise your hand If you have watched every set you've ever bought from front to back.
It’s honestly not a monopoly and I think it’s great they are giving a platform for so many people
It’s honestly not a monopoly and I think it’s great they are giving a platform for so many people
Is there another company that produces content like bbj fanatics that I don't know about.
Is there another company that produces content like bbj fanatics that I don't know about.
YouTube. Literally any of these guys could have had their own platform like MG. Even roger still has his own platform and has bjj fanatics videos. I’m just saying the term monopoly seems dramatic and having platform that is easily accessible and so open to all types of instructors is a net good
YouTube. Literally any of these guys could have had their own platform like MG. Even roger still has his own platform and has bjj fanatics videos. I’m just saying the term monopoly seems dramatic and having platform that is easily accessible and so open to all types of instructors is a net good
don't Marcelo and Roger have sets on bjj fantics?

All the guys who release content on YouTube do so to hopefully get a set on BJJ fanatics. Maybe not all but most. You can find great content on YouTube no doubt but where did lach, Marcelo, dds, etc all go? Even the guys who have websites end up on that platform like hall.

If there's no competition then it's a monopoly. And monopolies are bad for consumers. I am not saying that there shouldn't be a platform like bjj fanatics I'm just saying that a marketplace needs other players so that the consumer and creators have options. That keeps said companies honest and willing to compete. Unfortunately dojitsu died and now we are stuck.

Shout out to grapplers guide. Value for 1 price.
how come lach, dds, hall and co don't just make their own site and sell their instructionals there?
how come lach, dds, hall and co don't just make their own site and sell their instructionals there?
Hall did until now.

And some of the stuff bjj fantics puts out is very subpar.

Its seems like the stranglehold hey have started when the pandemic began - as they seem to have allowed guys to shoot on their own and the quality was lacking but who cares when everyone is on lockdown and they're the only ones putting out new content. I bought an instructional, won't name names, when the pandemic first hit and that thing looked like it was shot on a 2012 camera phone in someone's closet.

They were not upfront about instructional's - I bought the Marcelo guillotine during the pandemic and all ended up being was stuff pulled from marcelo's website (which I was a member of already) but wa marketed as a "new" instructional. I've also had other issue with them in regards to my purchase's disappearing and customer service being lackadaisical at best.

to summarize - no one is saying that they're not offering guys a way to make some extra coin and help further the bjj community; we're just saying they've clearly decided to push quantity over quality (if you can watch a Digitsu instructional and then a bjj fanatics and you'll Digitsu were clearly in to puting out a good product as opposed to giving every Tom, Dick and Harry the opportunity to put out an instructional).
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don't Marcelo and Roger have sets on bjj fantics?

All the guys who release content on YouTube do so to hopefully get a set on BJJ fanatics. Maybe not all but most. You can find great content on YouTube no doubt but where did lach, Marcelo, dds, etc all go? Even the guys who have websites end up on that platform like hall.

If there's no competition then it's a monopoly. And monopolies are bad for consumers. I am not saying that there shouldn't be a platform like bjj fanatics I'm just saying that a marketplace needs other players so that the consumer and creators have options. That keeps said companies honest and willing to compete. Unfortunately dojitsu died and now we are stuck.

Shout out to grapplers guide. Value for 1 price.
That’s what I said, how is fanatics a monopoly if those guys also have their own subscription service? It’s just not one at all. And I’m pretty sure Lachlan posted that he’s going to have his own platform in the last video he shared on here, but I do agree the more competition the better always
how come lach, dds, hall and co don't just make their own site and sell their instructionals there?
Lachlan just made a subscription site. Hall was selling stuff on his own site. The DVD buying crowd is using bjj fanatics si I assume it's a lot easier to reach them there.

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