Rumored Ryan Garcia failed VADA PED test

Honestly this is fucking trash, man. Kid’s career is a joke. And to think Haney would have lost without the KDs, only good thing outta this is the fixers new golden boy only hit a grand slam in a fight he was losing by cheating flagrantly and still gets caught and discraced. lol, no one won in this shit. Absolute horseshit.
Honestly this is fucking trash, man. Kid’s career is a joke. And to think Haney would have lost without the KDs, only good thing outta this is the fixers new golden boy only hit a grand slam in a fight he was losing by cheating flagrantly and still gets caught and discraced. lol, no one won in this shit. Absolute horseshit.
While I'm not a big Haney fan, I kind of feel for the kid here. Not only did Ryan have the weight advantage of being heavier and not bothering to cut the last few pounds, he was juiced up on a PED that increases power.
This is pretty scummy if true. Was rooting for Ryan to win that fight too.
I've taken Ostarine before and fail to see what noticeable benefit he would have had. Certainly wouldn't have made that much of a difference where he could knock Haney down at will like he did. The water retention is probably why he didnt make weight though.

Pretty dumb though. Does this get changed to a NC?