Round kick technique


White Belt
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
ive been practicing the muay thai kicks and i just can't seem to get the round kick technique down even barely, can anyone give me some help please.
practice more.

do you understand how the kick works and where the power comes from?
ive been practicing the muay thai kicks and i just can't seem to get the round kick technique down even barely, can anyone give me some help please.

Only 1 way to learn..... kick then repeat.... reps = inevitably....!

However, find a good instructor to teach you proper mechanics of the kick, otherwise all that kicking will be no more than a decent cardio workout and the bad habits you teach yourself will be 10 times as hard to break as learning it the right way first!
Only 1 way to learn..... kick then repeat.... reps = inevitably....!

However, find a good instructor to teach you proper mechanics of the kick, otherwise all that kicking will be no more than a decent cardio workout and the bad habits you teach yourself will be 10 times as hard to break as learning it the right way first!

Good post.
I was always told I had Good Leg kicks, went to Thailand and realised how wrong i was.
You have to be shown the correct way, you don't want to guess and practise it wrong thousands of times until it becames a bad habit.
These are all good posts but not too specific. Take it from someone who started out self taught: IT'S ALL ABOUT YOUR POST LEG.

Don't worry about swinging with your kicking leg. Imagine your body is like a mace with a ball & chain attached. Your kicking leg is the chain and the ball, they are relaxed and stiff on impact. Your POST LEG and your HIPS should be like the shoulder and arm swinging the mace. It is the torque created when you turn on your post leg (ball of foot & toes actually) that creates the energy. If you're doing a round of right round kicks and your right leg gets tired first, you're doing it wrong. A lot of folks here stateside try to use too much of their kicking leg.

OPEN UP YOUR HIPS and rotate on your post leg. The more open that you get your foot (ie from pointing say...12 o'clock to pointing 7 o'clock or 5 o'clock if your kicking with the left foot) the more power you will have on impact. There's a great picture of Cung Lei throwing a high kick in this month's FIGHT! magazine. That's a perfect example of opening up your hips. His post leg foot is pointing away from his target and the kicking leg is just swinging around.
Also try bending your post leg a little more, feels strange at first but must be done.
Also step across a little further with the post leg so you kick threw the bag.
And as earthman pointed at the pivot on the post foot and the hips is essential.